Happy Birthday!
Hope you have a great day and get lots of cool presents.

happy birthday
hope its a good one too.
Keep up the good fight!
Do your best to enjoy yourself more than ever before.
Andromeda18_ Wrote:Happy Birthday!
Hope you have a great day and get lots of cool presents. 
What she said.
thanks.. been doign as little as possible today.. Since i had the day off.. ;o)
Schultz Wrote:thanks.. been doign as little as possible today.. Since i had the day off.. ;o)
That's the way to live whenever possible. Anyways Happy Birthday.
Whoa, it?s your birthday Mr. Admin. Well I hope it was a good one and continues to be for the rest of the night.
Ah well looks like I got here a little late. Happy Birthday anyway.
Yup had a great B-day. hung out with friends and such. Plus Ka-t got me a few Kenshin Figurines and a few more of the manga's.
Happy Belated Birthday dude

sounds like you had fun

I'm late as usual... but Happy B-day, Schultz! I know Ka-Ta probably made it a good one for ya!

Well the B-day has come and gone but the man is still here. Hey bro drop me a note when your b-day gift arrives ok. Plus have you ever hung up the Sword I got you last year would like to see a picture of it...
Late as usual so Here I go....
Happy birthday! I too had a B-Day and it was June 5th. Stopping by to say Hi all and saw these threads. Take care hope you had a blast!