Gemini Wrote:maybe its because i was the only girl and decided to have my own choices on clothing and hair style.
Yeah, I don't think girls let their parents choose their clothes for them nearly as much as boys do. I know a lot of grown men whose mommies still buy their clothes. I mean they buy clothes for themselves when they see something they like but half of the clothes are bought by their mothers. I couldn't possibly alow that, I've been chosing my clothes, hair style, etc, since I was really young and my family has learned a long time ago there's no point in buying clothes for me because 100% of the time I won't like it. I'm sorry to say this but men are far more dependent on their families then women are.
I agree with you about the dependency thing but I also think that that has to do with the way the parnts raise the children. In my experience my mother was very protective and babying with me but not my sister.
I disagree. Save for financial support, I can honestly say that it wouldn't matter whether my family was here or not as far as dependency goes. They gave up long ago trying to "conform" me, so to speak. I'm just...myself with my own tastes and interests.
onizuka17711 Wrote:I disagree. Save for financial support, I can honestly say that it wouldn't matter whether my family was here or not as far as dependency goes. They gave up long ago trying to "conform" me, so to speak. I'm just...myself with my own tastes and interests.
Not everybody is like that but if you look around you'll notice that many men are dependant on their families. I also think men care more about what their families think than women do.
I get some of their force on dependancy becasue my sister fu*ks up all the freedom she gets, espeially when it comes to clothes; if she's not taking her medication, everything she buys comes from Hot Topic -_-. Stupidly enough she stopped buying her medication so she could buy CDs & more retarded pants with straps connecting the legs, probably so she can bitch about all the other 'normal girls' wearing her pants..-_-
Batz Kage Wrote:Stupidly enough she stopped buying her medication so she could buy CDs & more retarded pants with straps connecting the legs
Medication? What's she on?
Batz Kage Wrote:I get some of their force on dependancy becasue my sister fu*ks up all the freedom she gets, espeially when it comes to clothes; if she's not taking her medication, everything she buys comes from Hot Topic -_-. Stupidly enough she stopped buying her medication so she could buy CDs & more retarded pants with straps connecting the legs, probably so she can bitch about all the other 'normal girls' wearing her pants..-_-
You mean these? They are weird!

Andromeda18_ Wrote:You mean these? They are weird! 
I think that Farfarello from WeiB is the only person who doesn't look like a freak in them. But then, he's kinda odd anyway :p ...