On this day in history a very importnt thing happened. The Forum known as Import Anime...died

. We are here to attend this funeral in the hopes that like the legendary Phoenix it will rise once more to it former glory. Farewell I say to this great and moving forum. I and what little people are left will treasure your memory always.
*Many People crying*
Take Heart for there is a chance. Perhaps it is just sleping, a giant that needs be awakened. We will never forget you and all that you have done for us. You gae us a place to chat, to occupy ourselves and now...now your glory has faded. Take heart for no matter what happens we will not abandon you. If you still be alive then wake up!!! Call us to you and let us bestow your former glory. Until then we salute you o greatest of the anime forums.
*Many People Salue as one and the honor guard fires the 21 shots*
Well I guess that is it forthe funeral service. Feel free to comment now and let us know what you miss most about this forum and how you will keep it alive. Either that or youcould just chat, anyway thisis all I have to say for now.
LMFAO!!!!!! People are either just bored and can't think of anything to say or just busy.
Or since FX died and the other companies suck, a lot less people visit here now.
This place is far from dead.
I still check in here at least once a day... I just don't feel that I need to bore everyone with my ongoing saga of being stuck in a hotel room away from my family. Especially after the stint that Ka-Ta just returned from... it makes my two weeks seem like a pittance.
I'm happy that we have a place to chat and that I don't feel overwhelmed with endless pointless posts... or worse... hatefull and antagonistic posts... I haven't had to hand out a ban for a very long time and that makes me happy.
I say we havea gang bang. Lots of people will post then.
If anyone wants to come up to Whitby, Ontario I'm happy to allow the use of my hotel room. I've got a large living room and a king sized bed in the bedroom. And if it ends up being all people whom I don't want to touch intimately then I'll just put on some anime and we'll all sit around happily watching (I brought a good amount with me so we have lots of choice).
katherine_jean Wrote:I say we havea gang bang. Lots of people will post then.
Ummm...hate to ask but, what is a gang bang?
Google it. Look at the pictures.
I'm still here but I've been busy.
Also I haven't watched anime in like 3 months. I need to pick up on Naruto and one piece but for the rest I'm not interested in anything out there right now. What's new, good and free?
The forum is still alive. It would be nice though if JJ showed his face every once in a while and keep us up to date of his plans for IA. I mean, he is the host and he hasn't posted outside the news section in maybe a year or so.
Yeah, the forum does seem a lot less lively than it used to be. But the summer can be a busy time. I just got a new job and will be working 8-4 every day till the end of summer starting Friday. So I'll not be here during the day or late at night. It will probably get full once again when school gets close to starting back up. Until then I'll probably make my evening drop in and hope there is something good to comment on.
So? All I do at work all day is browse the net and post on forums
Its starting to suck though since I just don't have enough work to fill the day and I'm bored out of my scull at the end of the day. Except when a coleague is sick or something and then its to busy for me. My manager sucks at his job :mad:
elcoholic Wrote:So? All I do at work all day is browse the net and post on forums
Its starting to suck though since I just don't have enough work to fill the day and I'm bored out of my scull at the end of the day. Except when a coleague is sick or something and then its to busy for me. My manager sucks at his job :mad:
Well, my work is in a factory. So I won't exactly have the time or the access to a computer. But it pays $8.45 starting out and it is just for the summer so I?m not complaining.
KJ Wrote:I say we havea gang bang. Lots of people will post then.
Im all for it

btw... whatever happened to that wedding :confused:
Cidien Wrote:Google it. Look at the pictures.
XD thats evil :p
Come on people Ee is here. There is plenty to talk about there. I am posting in the video game section once Im done with this . Geez has anyone else seen the mind blowing killzone 2 demo. I almost wet myself. If anyone has not been watching g4techtv at 7pm they have 2hrs of e3 today through friday and yesterday they showed al the press conferences. Geez so much to talk about. also go to ign.com they have everything E3. My god the ps3 is going to destroy xbox 360. For sure.