heya guys, it might sound lame but go check out your local best buy. They are marking some of the anime down (alot). I know someone mentioned this before but here are a few examples:
Dai Guard Perfect Collection $9.99 (6 dvd....)
Blue Seed Perfect $19.99
Was just there last night at ours. Dai guard was 20 and seed was 35. I'd definitely buy dai guard if I saw it for $10. =P Even 20 is a great price.
take it to the register..mine had a small yellow sticker over it that said dai guard $9.99..series looks awesome (like the giant robot thing), worth $10 any day. b
I was at Best Buy yesterday and I noticed some sweet deals too. Like they had the 'Gunparade March' complete set in a cool tin and it was only $23.
I think Dai-guard is a fantastic deal at 10 bucks -- i just bought it at 20 bucks from adv and i dont feel cheated- watched up to chapter 6 , its not a bad show, the animation is pretty good- Id give it a 7 out of ten, which means its a keeper - also check out overstock dot com , they have teenamoya voyagers for about 7 bucks -- as well as others !