Cyrus Wrote:speaking of which
what causes lines thru an anime???
my kino's journey came like that it's not a big deal but i thought it was worth askin
The FX set has them because the R1's have them!! (We have the R1's and MAC set) The MAC HK set doesn't have them!! Or at least not to the extent the R1's and FX set has!! This is one instance where a HK set has better video quality than the R1's, in my opinion... cause I don't care for the background lines thru the anime at all, it is distracting!!
Kiruyuki Wrote:Also, there is a problem with some of the new mac sets. Balthier told me that MAC had cut the op/ed of the mahoromatic perfect set making one op/ed per disk. thats what balthier told me anyways......
This was very common with HK sets a few years back. The industry has been moving away from this since ripping the R1s has become more common. Personally, I only want to see the op/ed credits once so it isn't a big deal to me.
i order yu yu hakusho part 2 & 3 mac set
i hope the quality good like the review said
Um, what makes you think yu yu hakusho volume 3 has good quality? The FX (there is no mac review...) set sucks horribly - which is why i'm burning the R1's.
wow im surprised the r1's have the lines
that really stinks
oh well guess im gonna get the set as good as i can well i have the fx set but i doubt the mac is all that much better
Cidien Wrote:Um, what makes you think yu yu hakusho volume 3 has good quality? The FX (there is no mac review...) set sucks horribly - which is why i'm burning the R1's.
i mean part 2
this seriese is to awesome thats why i take part 3
maybe the quality is good

Cidien Wrote:Um, what makes you think yu yu hakusho volume 3 has good quality? The FX (there is no mac review...) set sucks horribly - which is why i'm burning the R1's.
Yeah, and there hasn't been a party four release so it is about all you can do. Plus I think Yu Yu Hakusho is worth the R1's anyway.
Cyrus Wrote:wow im surprised the r1's have the lines
that really stinks
oh well guess im gonna get the set as good as i can well i have the fx set but i doubt the mac is all that much better
At least the MAC set doesn't have the noticeable lines in the background!! (Kino's Journey) Which is the
only reason we still have it and haven't put it up on my trade list!! This will be the set we watch.. not the R1's!!
i have r1 dvd from 1-50
my friend give it to me in my birthday
r1 is too expensive
i dont think i'll pay 17$ for only 3 or 4 episodes :/