Received a long awaited MAC shipment this afternoon, alot of goodies restocked, check for yoru requests aswell as some long awaited things that I thought was going to be out of print, like Ghibli Collection!
How long does it usually take for requests to be ordered?
I requested Dragon Ball - Part 3 - The Uncut Perfect Collection, MA265E-C at the end of January.
Just wanted to know how long i should expect to wait.
Sweet! Just picked up Yu Yu Hakusho 3 from MAC. I'm glad it finally got in. ;_;
JJ, what's the "typical" shipping time from your location to the southern US? I ordered the Orphen Seasons 1 and 2 Perfect Collection almost two weeks ago and I still don't have it. ;___;
Still no Tekkaman Perfect Collection? That's too bad

Katana Wrote:How long does it usually take for requests to be ordered?
I requested Dragon Ball - Part 3 - The Uncut Perfect Collection, MA265E-C at the end of January.
Just wanted to know how long i should expect to wait.
Alot has to do with MAC JJ can request it from them but if they can't fill it they will put something in.. So trust me he is trying but MAC can be a pain getting something sometimes specially if they are out of print for a while.
Just as Schultz said, the restocking of items and requests greatly depends on MAC it self, alot of the obscure titles of theirs are out of stock, just as Robojack pointed out, no Tekkaman Blade, I been trying to get that title for months now...
the shipping time is between 4 to 10 business days, holidays sometimes prolong that with the backlog that it creates, your item should be arriving any day now Krakhed01 since 2 weeks is 10 business days.
Thank god I got the Tekkaman Blade set when it came in a few months ago. It does kick a lot of ass!
do you know when naruto and ranma 1/2 are coming back? i've been waitin to buy them for a minute...
Well, it's been about a month since any sort of activity has occurred on the main page. Isn't it about time for a MAC Update? :p Seriously though, what's been going on?
Krakhed01 Wrote:Well, it's been about a month since any sort of activity has occurred on the main page. Isn't it about time for a MAC Update? :p Seriously though, what's been going on?
Ya I have been waiting for an update of my fave dvds.. Or an update at least! :eek:
I don't know which thread to look for, so I'll ask in this one. I'm not sure if it's true but I heard that Fx started shipping a couple days ago and I'm wondering if anyone knows much about it and if they are finally getting things back together?
I hope that what you've heard is fact and FX gets back in action. I personally am hoping to see them sell Gundam Seed dub and Zeta Gundam dub sets (preferably in the same style to how they, FX, made their G Gundam and Gundam Wing box sets...those are hot!). I saw a bunch of supposedly FX sets reappear on eBay the other day, but they can use the pictures of the FX sets and then end up shipping you another version of the box set. Does anyone else know?
Its easy go to the Anime discussion forum and look at the thread FX resurrection *well sort of*
but in short.. NO Fx isn't shipping.. new company called EZDVD is reprinting FX dvd's
If that's the case (and I read that string and, yes, apparently that is true) then what will be the future for new titles? FX made many new releases dubbed. Will EZDVD?
TheCreedBeast Wrote:If that's the case (and I read that string and, yes, apparently that is true) then what will be the future for new titles? FX made many new releases dubbed. Will EZDVD?
That is one thing that no one knows what will happen.. Only have to wait and see.