04-26-2005, 10:58 PM
04-27-2005, 12:29 AM
Actually this is not a bootleg. It is considered as a R1 because if I'm not wrong, Netflix got this from a Canadian distributor. As long as the movie is Canadian, it is considered a R1.
Just happened that I got a couple of such releases from buyritedvd before. Those Canadians simply do an English translation of the title then distribute it to whoever is willing to buy it in region 1. Heh, however, if you bought such movies and try to do a trade in with Blockbuster, Blockbuster won't take it as they aren't released in the USA. Won't be in their computer system.
My guess is, since Stephen Chow has 2 movies released to the US market with some popularity, Netflix is trying to cash in as much as it can.
Just happened that I got a couple of such releases from buyritedvd before. Those Canadians simply do an English translation of the title then distribute it to whoever is willing to buy it in region 1. Heh, however, if you bought such movies and try to do a trade in with Blockbuster, Blockbuster won't take it as they aren't released in the USA. Won't be in their computer system.
My guess is, since Stephen Chow has 2 movies released to the US market with some popularity, Netflix is trying to cash in as much as it can.
04-27-2005, 01:37 PM
Also, just found take2 video renting two bootleg videos now. One is army of darkness, forgot what the other one I found was. Pisses me off 'cuz I told them the army of darkness one was a bootleg that they were selling - now I find it on the shelves being rented. The take2 video stores in town seriously deserve to get busted.
05-02-2005, 05:42 PM
Blockbuster does take HK in on trade in , mine had a few mixed in from past trades- ( not sure if they are presently still taking trades at my blockbuster ) but i think it really depends on the store or their management. some keep tighter reigns on their employees than others -I also know from past personal experiences they make exceptions if the disc is not in their data base - Ive also seen HK in the used bin at Media Play- They check the title and if it shows up , ( not necessarily the upc code ) they sometimes take it - i in the past traded in a movie I bought for a dollar at media play towards a new release, that didnt show up -on the data base - I guess this is a good way to get rid of some real crappy titles one has in ones collection !