If people are having problems with the main site putting in there Username and password please email me with your site login and i will resolve it. There was an issue with changing your password under the Profile section which caused the password to not be changed correctly.
Thanks Schultz for resolving the problem. It was a hassle but everything is fine now. Thanks again.
I'm having trouble loging in to the store but not the forums,I know the password is right it'the same as the forums one help please!!!!
[email protected]
Can you login and then when you click the store it logs you out? If so try this url
http://www.import-anime.com:84/ this avoids a Proxy redirect that might be causing yea problems.
I tried that still nothing how can I change myself a new password without having to change my username also because i'm quite fond of it,and why not washu is the best..
I can / will change your password for yea.. will mail you the details
Schultz were do I email you my login?
just email to schultz at import-anime dot com
I'm not trying to rush you schultz but PLEASE hurry with the password change.I want to start ordering from the site again...
Schultz did you recieve my email I am anxious to order from this site.
Thanks shultz it's working now,two questions though about movies on site.
Is (Sailor moon season one uncut) and (super s perfect collection uncut) the same?Question 2 if I wanted to unload some dvd's & vhs anime I have what is the easiest way to do so/if want I can provide list...

I am not sure about those two sets as JJ does all the sellings.. I just work on the website..
2.) I would try and say the trade forums.
they are not the same set;
Sailor Moon Season 1 Uncut
Sailor Moon Season 2 Uncut
Sailor Moon S
Sailor Moon Super S
Sailor Moon Stars
this is the chronology of the series (i beleive)
please email me your email adress because i am having trouble login in to the site. 9 times out of 10 i cannot log in. my email adress is
[email protected]
Thanks for the info joe do you know if there will ever be a sailor moon season 1 uncut in ENG. on the site anytime in the near future?