Anyone played this game yet? Didn't even realize it was coming out anytime soon until I saw it at best buy today. Last I heard the game was abandoned then later resumed by someone else...
Doesn't exactly make me wanna run out and buy it.
ive heard its really cool but is it worthy to sink money into each month i don't know....
star wars galaxy is cool tho

i have seen many a preview for this game and it looks bad ass, it is actually the only game that i am considereing paying monthly for...but if i am going to buy it, i wont untill the software price hits atleast $30
Cyrus Wrote:ive heard its really cool but is it worthy to sink money into each month i don't know....
star wars galaxy is cool tho 
If you think Star Wars Galaxy is a good game I think i'll stear clear of your video game advice. SGW was probably the most dissapointing game i've ever played in my life. The reason it's so bad is because it's actually a decent game, but they screwed up the gameplay so bad it doesn't even matter.
when did you play it?
was it recently or a while ago or what cus when i played it, it was pretty good a little boring at first but it picked up later of course i agree it woulda been cool if you could have been more interactive in battle but thats how it always seems to be in mmo's though im sure there are different battle systems
btw did they ever make a fall out mmo that would prolly be pretty cool
when i played it i just tried it for a few hours and it was on a friends guy so i mean it was slow but then when i played his guy later it was a lot better so i musta missed some stuff.
I thought i said i only previewed it sorry i guess i left that out
I know JunkieJoe played the Beta of Matrix Online for like 1 hour.. And hasn't touched it since then.. The combat is really stupid from what i heard..
Also i was reading a piece on it.. one of the things people loved to do was "go clubbing" bunch people hang out a club. Some people would pretend to be bouncers and shit.. Kinda pathetic sounding to me..
Also my OPINION is the game won't have much content to it..
Cyrus Wrote:when did you play it?
was it recently or a while ago or what cus when i played it, it was pretty good a little boring at first but it picked up later of course i agree it woulda been cool if you could have been more interactive in battle but thats how it always seems to be in mmo's though im sure there are different battle systems
btw did they ever make a fall out mmo that would prolly be pretty cool
when i played it i just tried it for a few hours and it was on a friends guy so i mean it was slow but then when i played his guy later it was a lot better so i musta missed some stuff.
I thought i said i only previewed it sorry i guess i left that out
Was about 6 months ago last time I played. Heard from friends that still play from time to time it's even worse now with the craptastic space expansion. If they had at LEAST encouraged grouping in some way shape or form the game would instantly be knocked up a couple points right there. Don't like games where people only group because they're bored. Even WoW encourages grouping 10x more than SWG, and that's saying a LOT.
played the Beta for more than 1 hour ;p probably 5-10 hours total in that game... very disapointing... aside from crappy controls, the most important thing, combat, is total bullshit. its total RANDOMNESS... combat in that game is like having a deck of carts, and you pull the top card and opponent pulls a card, and the highest card wins, total randomless...
JunkieJoe Wrote:played the Beta for more than 1 hour ;p probably 5-10 hours total in that game... very disapointing... aside from crappy controls, the most important thing, combat, is total bullshit. its total RANDOMNESS... combat in that game is like having a deck of carts, and you pull the top card and opponent pulls a card, and the highest card wins, total randomless...
that is probibly the gayest thing i have ever heard. all ambition for me buying this game has just went away...
yea, I was gonna quick EQ2 to play matrix online, good thing i got a chance to beta test it... it sucks
What Server/lvl/class are you in eq2 JJ?
One of my friends played the beta for Matrix Online and said that it sucked.
Im going to be playing guildwars when it comes out int 5 days. Can't wait. Like half of my school is going to have a guild, it will be sweet.
He is a 46 Gnome Necromancer on Unrest with me.. hehe finally 48 Dwarf Berserker myself.. ;o)
Bah so you wasted 9 more hours of your time then you should of..
I really wanna get back into eq2. My clerics been stuck at lvl 17 for weeks now. =/
Well JJ and MySelf just been playing our Alts too
Both level 20 Inquisiter and 20 Guardian.. quite fun since its just him and i taking alot of stuff on.. Amazing what you can do in the game with great gear at your level.