Just reading up on Anime news Network and they announced that a new Hellsing OVA is on the way. It is made by Geneon and the Episode length will be 35 Mins. Although the Number of Episodes is still unknown. It is also unknown if the original English cast will be back yet also. Geneon have said they intend to try and stick to the manga than to the previous TV series. Can't wait for this one.
You have just made my day

I'm thinking Yay and Oh Crap! at the same time.
1) Crispin Freeman must voice alucard. If they can't get him for some reason that would really turn me off to the english cast right there.
2) I want to see the rest of the tv series, not an entirely new series. =/
Cidien Wrote:I'm thinking Yay and Oh Crap! at the same time.
I hope to god it lives up the manga, and surpasses the anime ^^
Thanks for the info.
Woohooo! Now this is good news. It feels so good to know they are doing this. Makes me want to sing Kareoke and Hammerdance.
*proceeds to do so.*
More guyver is coming too.
All i need is Berserk and my life will be complete.
CrayonShinChan Wrote:More guyver is coming too.
All i need is Berserk and my life will be complete.
More Guyver?! Are they going to actually finish the series or am I going to be pissed off again cuz of a new series?
^I doubt they will do enough to finish the series or get close to it since the manga is still ongoing and quite long.
this makes me very happy and i agree crispin freeman must be alucard or it won't work.
i do hope they follow the manga more, which by the way is one of my favorites along with
beserk. also i found out from a friend of mine who attend a con in ohio and talked to the producer of bezerk that there very well may be another season of beserk. this also would make me very happy.
anyone know if the trailer for the ova is up yet somewhere out there
from what iv heard this is supposed to be a total retelling of the story rather than continue the old one.
This series is supposed to follow the manga MUCH more closely than the other series did.
and if they dont bring back alucard's voice actor then im gonna be pissed :mad:
although i think i read somewhere that the JAPANESE cast is going to be the same as the old series.
Unfortunately that doesn't mean much for the american release. =/ Just look at saiyuki. For whatever reason I think it's Geneon... they picked up the reloaded series and put in different voice actors. What the hell! That just makes me not want to watch any other saiyuki series cuz the original english cast had such great very destict voices.