Does anyone in here have a mac? my mom just got one with a dvd burner and i need to know what software i can get to burn dvds, all it came with was idvd or imovies it doenst give you the option to copy dvds i even saved the dvd to the harddrive and tried to see if i could burn it from like clicking somwhere in the folder like in windowns it gives you the option to burn files to a cd/dvd.
so what dvd software can you use on it?

q8_devil Wrote:DVDDecrypter
He is talking about a Macintosh computer.. Not a PC running Windows.. So none of those applications work in his case..
and sorry i know nothing about Mac's.
Quote:He is talking about a Macintosh computer.. Not a PC running Windows.. So none of those applications work in his case..
and sorry i know nothing about Mac's.
i cant help 2

Toast is probably one of the best cd and dvd burners for mac, and Roxio Popcorn is good for copying your dvds (along with 'Mac the Ripper')
MAC's suck. Tell your mom she should sell it and get a PC, then use dvddecryptor and nero.
Actually MAC's don't suck for what they are used for. MAC have alot better Graphics and processing power when it comes to Multimedia and Digital photos and such.. Where you think all the PC Adobe products came from they all where originally Mac Apps..
Cidien Wrote:MAC's suck. Tell your mom she should sell it and get a PC, then use dvddecryptor and nero.
No they don't, they have their benefits in ways PC's have theirs. (I.e Hardly any, if none - reports of viruses, adware etc.., hardly any crashes - as well as easy restore abilities - (lose files? regain them with a click of a button), beautiful graphics, and did i mention no viruses?
I've been tossing around the idea of getting a MAC. I really only use my PC for Photoshop and Word any way. I've had to reconsider though, due to the fact that there is no Everquest2 for MAC.

Cidien Wrote:MAC's suck. Tell your mom she should sell it and get a PC, then use dvddecryptor and nero.
I agree, and every one who says that they are better at Graphics is just going on trends. A PC can absolutely blow away a Mac in the graphics department. I HATE MAC?s; they run very steadily, but when a POS runs with out crashing, you still have a POS.
I have a G5 at work, and a PC at home. I can tell you guys MACs are awesome when it comes to graphic designs, they are pretty powerful machines. Toast is great for burning movies, its not as great as nero and DVDshrink but works good for Macs.
i have been hearing that the newer macs don't do any better job at graphics then other pc's whether that is true or not im not sure but i thought id throw that up in the air.
Now I maty not know much about all this software mumbo jumbo, but I do know the golden rule of Hardware, "If you can't overclock it, it's poo...poopie poo." Plus, this whole watercooling of the G5 is just silly. The obvious solution is for you to get a PC with Linux installed on it. That way you get to fight the evil Tyrannic powers of Steve Ballmer and still get to overclock that sexy machine of yours. Then again if you must, get Toast. It's pretty simple, but it gets the job done.
Your the guy who lit fire to his house while overclocking your pc right? I think I won't take your advice on pc's ok?

First when i say grapics i am not talking about Gaming graphics and everything mostly talks about.. I talk about Graphics work. Photoshop, digital imaging and multimedia creation / content. MAC's definitatly do this better.. Specially considering there G5 processors. and if you beg to differ with me.. Find me one Photoshop book that uses Screenshots from Windows.? Every book i have looked through uses Mac's.. Please use mac's before bashing them..
Also just to poke further.. if Mac's Processors sucks for graphics processing why is Microsoft going to be using PowerPC chips in there next gen console? which are the same as the ones in the Mac.. ;o)