Does anyone know if episodes 18-26 are needed to fully enjoy the first 17? As in they tie up any major story points, or cliff-hangers. I just recieved two fansub dvds that claimed to have the full series, but only has 1-17. I understand that because of how it aired, that it has been passed off as 2 seasons, but I still feel slightly cheated. But seeing as I only payed $4.99, I don't plan to complain unless I'm missing somthing important. However, I don't want to wait untill I've watched it all to find out.
Well, you dont have to have 18-26 to enjoy the first 17. However if you are like me and have to finish what you started than you will need to see the last nine episodes. Here is a link to a fansub site that has GREAT subbing, All you will need is Bittorrnet and some patients. But its well worth it. Hope that help.
Thanks, I didnt want to get to 17 and then have it end in the middle of somthing big. My computer is not up to the task of gathering free anime, so I would have to wait a few weeks untill I could buy them and get them shipped.
Yes, it is necessary to have the rest of them. Since it actually completes the series. 2 of the episodes are almost like jokes though (there's one about baseball, and another is a halloweed/valentines episode)
And i'm sorry, if you paid 4.99, you should be thankful for what you got! even though i bet it's just dvd-r with the fansubs put onto them. :p
download the bittorrent and dont waste your money on those, you can get the downloadable torrent at Animesuki . by the way thats a fantastic show , it will be one of your favorites !
I'm sorry, if I paid the asking price and did not get what I was being sold I should not be happy regardless of how low that price may be. I was buying other sets from this person, this one was only added on at the end because I was told it was complete. There was no reason for me to be misled and therefore no reason for me to be fully pleased.
And it's not a waste of money if it means I don't have to watch them on my computer. I bought fansubs before torrents and I will continue until I get myself a dvd a month or two.
They are going to start showing it on Adult Swim in May, along with Scyred and some other stuff I can?t remember right now. I?ll just be a cheap SOB and wait.
WandererX12 Wrote:I'm sorry, if I paid the asking price and did not get what I was being sold I should not be happy regardless of how low that price may be. I was buying other sets from this person, this one was only added on at the end because I was told it was complete. There was no reason for me to be misled and therefore no reason for me to be fully pleased.
And it's not a waste of money if it means I don't have to watch them on my computer. I bought fansubs before torrents and I will continue until I get myself a dvd a month or two.
Torrents are fansubs. You just don't buy them, you download them. I'm really getting into buying fansubs on cd though lately. Found a site with like 700 anime series you can buy for $1 a disc. Getting all of Inuyasha subbed for like $50 is a pretty damn good deal. =P
share the wealth cidien,pm me the site,thanks.
WandererX12 Wrote:Does anyone know if episodes 18-26 are needed to fully enjoy the first 17? As in they tie up any major story points, or cliff-hangers. I just recieved two fansub dvds that claimed to have the full series, but only has 1-17. I understand that because of how it aired, that it has been passed off as 2 seasons, but I still feel slightly cheated. But seeing as I only payed $4.99, I don't plan to complain unless I'm missing somthing important. However, I don't want to wait untill I've watched it all to find out.
If you don't mind waiting some days until I finish downloading the series I can send you a dvd with the remaining episodes, free of charge. If you're interested just remind me in a few days because I'm a bit forgetful.
Andromeda18_ Wrote:If you don't mind waiting some days until I finish downloading the series I can send you a dvd with the remaining episodes, free of charge. If you're interested just remind me in a few days because I'm a bit forgetful.
You?re one of the nicest people I know, cause when you say something like this, I know you mean it.

I other words, I?m still thanking you for the copy you sent me of Photoshop a while back, cause I use it to help out a friend with his graphics on a FFXI clan site.
There's no need to still be thanking. I told you it was no trouble at all. I'm glad Photoshop has been useful.

Well, Episode 17 ends off at a nice conclusion point but the main part of the story is still not completed for sure.
So the end of the 17th episode, it has that "end of season" feel for sure if that's all you're looking for.