So apparently has closed down. Did anyone know about this and does anyone know more or of other places that may have as well?
WOW!!!!!!!!,and i just made an order with them last week,and they mailed my stuff off last week as well,LUCKY!!!!!

Has anime-icon closed down their dvd section as well??? I don't see any dvds being displayed on their website.

TheCreedBeast Wrote:It may have.
Yeah the Anime-Icon is only selling anime music cds for the moment. I guess it's the end
arent these all places that solely distributed FX products? If that's the case its prolly because they dont want to get in trouble with customs (which probably wont happen), or they just dont have the resources to order thru MI, or dont want to put of with the headaches of MAC distribution.
^Neither places were exclusively FX.
bmvtoys Wrote:arent these all places that solely distributed FX products? If that's the case its prolly because they dont want to get in trouble with customs (which probably wont happen), or they just dont have the resources to order thru MI, or dont want to put of with the headaches of MAC distribution.
Anime-Icon had more MI/AV products than FX and they had no MAC products, so they didn't close because of FX end of supply. Anime-icon is closed because Andy is afraid of being busted