Many guys in this forum think Keira Knightly is hot but she looks much more like a 12 year old than Charlize Theron. Some time ago we were talking about Keira in another thread and most of the male members of these forums wouldn't mind doing her and getting hurt by one of her appendices in the process.

Mantis421 Wrote:At first my hopes were up about this post that there would be new anime episodes of the show. I just think they will eather butcher the show or to americanize the show. I just am not a fav of LA versions of Anime/video games/ or american cartoons
Yeah American cartoons are usually pretty bad...
Andromeda18_ Wrote:You guys are out of your friggin' mind! Charlize Theron looks better than ever. For starters black hair suits her much better than blond hair and she's really hot! You can't really mean it when you say she's too thin! No way! She's thin but normal, the only thing missing are bigger boobs, I agree, but otherwise she's amazing!
I mean, do you seriously think this is too thin?
Youve seriuosly Misread what ive said...i infact think shes Hot

and questioned that Blight thought that she wasnt and i love the black hair and the grungier i said im such a sucker for grungier messed up hairdo :o
i ddint say she was too thin i just said she had lost alot of weight esp on her face...i did say though that she was not thin enough to pull off the anorexic Aeon Look...but i did state that i like normAl women over thin ones...
ive attached a good pic of that hair...Droooooooooooool :o
might i add i hated Ashlee simpson and still do (cant sing at all) but when she got that black grungier rockdo...i couldnt help but feel attracted to her... :eek: :o
My complaint wasn't that she was unatractive, but that she looks nothing like the character. Though LSI brings up a good point about her looking like a boy.
Mantis421 Wrote:At first my hopes were up about this post that there would be new anime episodes of the show. I just think they will eather butcher the show or to americanize the show. I just am not a fav of LA versions of Anime/video games/ or american cartoons
How are they suposed to americanize an Americian show?
WandererX12 Wrote:My complaint wasn't that she was unatractive, but that she looks nothing like the character. Though LSI brings up a good point about her looking like a boy.
I was just really disappointed she didn't look like the character either. Even Rav's love of the hair is a mistake, not cause he likes it but because it isn't Aeon's hair. And her curvature is heavily vacant as pointed out. But I mostly don't like her cause she doesn?t look like Aeon in the least bit. Even the woman?s skin tone is wrong, what a horrible casting job! :mad:
Blight Wrote:And her curvature is heavily vacant as pointed out.
It's true she's a bit vacant but that's not because she's thin. People wrongfully think curves are created by fat but they're not (unless you consider love handles curves :p ). It's all a matter of bone structure. Just look at the pic of Heidi Klum below. She's thin yet curvy. Fatter women will have bigger curves but won't necessarily be curvier. That's because fat lodges around the bones so if a woman's bone structure is naturally curvy the woman will stay curvy but bigger. Jennifer Lopez is the perfect example of that. She has the typical hourglass figure and she's was as curvy when she was thin as she is nowadays.
i would prefer to see some new anime series i have the series on vhs and it would be cool to see some new ones.
doubtful that will happen.
also in a reply to the charlize theron being hot thing.
I saw the movie monster and she will never be hot again
and in the reply to her not being thin enough
no one needs to be that thin i mean it would be cool to see someone who actually looked like aeon but completely unhealthy
if they could do some sorta movie trick to pull it off that would be cool but otherwise just leave it be at least she is somewhat healthy but i think she is even a little too thin right now.
I imagine the movie called for someone a little skinnier then should be and they accomidated her at that.
btw do you think reign the conquere stands up to aeon i think it's good but no where near as good
Cyrus Wrote:btw do you think reign the conquere stands up to aeon i think it's good but no where near as good
If Reign hadn't taken the left turn into F?ed-up Ville, then it might have. But since that was what you expected from AF, AF was way better.