been having alot of problem with Mac stuff recently

, and across the boards Ther is alot of agreement on this issue. I recently bought some MI titles ( threw 695anime -) - and their quality is for the most part is unbelieveable ( very good ) I know they cost more to buy originally-- but when you place a larger order their prices drop threw the floor - this might seem like a major investment- but it may help your company get over this FX scare thats happening-- and I dont mind paying more to get better quality--I love dealing with you guys because you stand behind what you sell better than any other company that Ive ever delt with-as well as being nice people, but recently your selection has alot to be desired ( to many older titles - or ones of no interest ) not trying to stick my nose into your business philosophy but I like your company alot , and recently have been unhappy with the selections and the problems your having getting good stuff . thanks for taking the time with me ---

I prefere MI over MAC, but I wouldnt suggest getting rid of them altogether. Im pretty sure MAC has a lot of titles that MI doesnt.
That is a good point !, I didnt really mean everything they sell, they might just need a kick in the pants to make better quality , It just seems some of their titles are far too compressed and are of poor quality-- it seems that Ive had more bad Mac stuff than any other type - macs subs seem a little better than MI ( for the most part ) but the waythings are going over in HK it might not be long until they raid Mac , etc. ( lets hope not )

How can MAC subtitles be better than MI when all MAC does is copy MI and AV?
That is more of a rumor than a fact , you can also rip a copy of a dvd and leave off the subtitles and add your own , change their color, size or type face -- depending on how clever you are-- Ive even seen a few fan subs make their way to anime rips ( tv rips ) an example of this is the early jap TV rip of Chobits and witch hunter Robin .- their either AV or AC ( not sure off the top of my head ) they rip each other off - it saves them from paying 15-25 dollars a DVD ( or less ) theirs an old saying that their is no honor amonst thieves , this about sums this up -- Every title is different per HK manufacturer , so dont quote me on every title. ( Im not an expert on this subject matter- no one is ) Peace to you my friend !

I second the notion of getting more MI stuff (& not necessarily getting rid of MAC). Is it because MI is more expensive (if you don't buy bulk) that IA doesn't carry more titles??? Browsed anime-icon the other day and it seems to me like MI (& AV) are busting out the FX replacements these days. Well, I'm hopin' IA carries MI titles soon. Gotta love the IA treatment when it comes to service.