Just wondering, has anyone of you ever found out accidentally that someone actually show case his HKs anime as R1s?
I was looking at some1's, M, so called 'R1' anime collection at DVD Aficionado and I was so impressed that he had like 1100+++ anime dvds in less than 1 year. Admist busy admiring them, I 'accidentally' read abt him bragging that he just made a HUUUGE HK purchase and had such a HUUUUUGE backlog that it would take him months and months to finish watching all of them.
I was like "HUH?" then I looked at his anime collection again and saw newly added ones, which are the exact titles which he did partially give on his HUUUGE HK purchase.
I was like, BLOODY HELL, here I was admiring the R1s when the main bulk turned out to be HKs.
I don't think that it's disgraceful to own HKs but I sure think it's hypocritical to impersonate them as R1s. The worst is, Mr. M, is always reminding people that he's only interested in R1s, his 1000+ backlog in R1s blah blah blah.....
That's why everytime I see his posts, I feel so disgusted and he wonders why I don't return his msn msgs.....
Maybe I'm over-reacting but seriously, it's like a dream shattered....ahhahahahahahha
but it sure pisses me off coz I was so full of admiration and so impressed with the anime collection (actually wished I could have that much in less than a year) only to realize that my 'feelings' have been cheated!!! HAHAHAHAHHA :eek:

Mr. M is retarded shoot him later..
Thats plain ol' F*cked up... who is this Mr M???? tell us and we can track him down and behead his lying ass
*raises Dragon Slayer*
i mean just say you got HK's no flippin need to pass em of as R1's if it aint true then be all preachy...wtf????its stoooooooooooooooooooooooopid
rav96 Wrote:who is this Mr M????
i mean just say you got HK's no flippin need to pass em of as R1's if it aint true then be all preachy...wtf????its stoooooooooooooooooooooooopid
Promised b4 never to reveal to anyone who he is....ehheheeheh....damn... but a promise is a promise....
but BOLLOCKS!!!!!!!!!!!!

well this person should be
but a promise is a promise so i get ya...is this person from this forum?
That's pretty sad just shows how bad some people are. I don't see why this Mr. M or whatever the hell you wanna call him is is so obsessed with showing off but stupidity is common it's simple as that. Their going to show off like morons as always so let em and ignore it that's the way I see it.
Did that make any sense?
rav96 Wrote:is this person from this forum?
you know the answer already....

I regretted making that promise coz i seriously don't mind exposing him. But hell......
This is so stupid.....on one hand he sounded so 'righteous', on the other, lied through his teeth...without even batting an eyelid...
I have absolutely nothing against HKs but I think it's stupid when someone impersonates HKs as R1s. That just shows how much a person's ashamed of her collection.
Andromeda18_ Wrote:I have absolutely nothing against HKs but I think it's stupid when someone impersonates HKs as R1s. That just shows how much a person's ashamed of her collection.
I don't see what there is to be 'ashamed' about it's a bunch of DVDs it makes no sense. Some people just have weird priorities I guess.
Andromeda18_ Wrote:I have absolutely nothing against HKs but I think it's stupid when someone impersonates HKs as R1s. That just shows how much a person's ashamed of her collection.
I actually see it as "trying to impress people with how much money he has, he knows all the anime series and he owns almost all anime on R1s".
When I was admiring the collection, I was actually imagining how much shelves and space he had. Must have one whole room dedicated to anime which I intend to do when I have my own house.
Japschin Wrote:BOLLOCKS!!!!!!!!!!!!
sorry couldnt help it...
yeah i need a life
and god damn i still dont get the mentality o being all preachy about R1's when youre lying...stoooopid...whoever you are...and i have my suspicions but dont wanna post it just incase im wrong...be ashamed you dumbass
Japschin Wrote:I actually see it as "trying to impress people with how much money he has, he knows all the anime series and he owns almost all anime on R1s".
When I was admiring the collection, I was actually imagining how much shelves and space he had. Must have one whole room dedicated to anime which I intend to do when I have my own house.
He thinks knowledge of anime is extremely impressive? Trying to impress people with all the money he has hm. If he claimed to have as many as your saying and said their all R1s he would be nuts to have that many. But the idea of an entire Anime room is a good one.
Don't know but he seems to have a lot of opinions about different anime series ........ hehehhe everyone is entitled to his/her own opinion but whenever I see his posts.... I feel "Urgh...

", feel like giving all his posts the finger....
Heheh have an anime room, then have a sofa bed, a big screen tv, theatre system, sound proof room.... maybe put in a mini fridge filled with secret stash.....lie back, shake my legs and enjoy.....
Japschin Wrote:Don't know but he seems to have a lot of opinions about different anime series ........ hehehhe everyone is entitled to his/her own opinion but whenever I see his posts.... I feel "Urgh...
", feel like giving all his posts the finger....
Heheh have an anime room, then have a sofa bed, a big screen tv, theatre system, sound proof room.... maybe put in a mini fridge filled with secret stash.....lie back, shake my legs and enjoy.....
LMAO Sounds like an extremely irritating individual. Yeah that sounds great like the perfect plan.
Puppet Master Wrote:LMAO Sounds like an extremely irritating individual. Yeah that sounds great like the perfect plan.
Hahhahahaah......at least I say that I plan to, not that I already have..... :p
But I do wonder though, few years down the road, would any of our likings for anime wane?