Ok i just ordered an anime from anime cheap cus i found some titles i wanted. One of them being berserk which i just ordered today. But when i opened it there was some sort of glue on the inner ring of the cd and the inside of the cd holder had glue in it aswell. I emailed the guy about it and he kept giving me crap of it being cosmetic and not defective. I have talked to puppet master about it and he's saying it might be a tracer blocker. But the glue marks are only on the 2nd and 3rd cd so why wouldn't it be on the first disc aswell? I was also wondering if there is a way to remove this (whatever it is) without fucking the cd up.
Help is really appreciated.
As I said I think it's a tracer block that stops the R1 companies from tracing the source but I can't say for sure. I would personally like to see someone verify this though...
puppet master id right, that glues is there so that the DVD's cant be traced...so yeah dont worry its not defect
the glues not on the first disc by error...every HK ive got has it and everyone you'll buy should have it
but im not sure why its on the inside of the dvd holder...the dude in the factory must have not waited for it to dry peoprly before puting it in..if they all work fine then its all good, dont worry
rav96 Wrote:puppet master id right, that glues is there so that the DVD's cant be traced...so yeah dont worry its not defect
the glues not on the first disc by error...every HK ive got has it and everyone you'll buy should have it
but im not sure why its on the inside of the dvd holder...the dude in the factory must have not waited for it to dry peoprly before puting it in..if they all work fine then its all good, dont worry
But is there away to remove it, if say i didn't want it there.
No there isnt and if you tried youd probally end up destroying the disc on accident. As I said don't worry about it...
Puppet Master Wrote:No there isnt and if you tried youd probally end up destroying the disc on accident. As I said don't worry about it...
Damnit i don't want that crap on my cd. :mad:
Lionheart Wrote:Damnit i don't want that crap on my cd. :mad:
LMAO Just chill out and don't worry about it.
yeah Dude...
in the words of Arnold..."RELAX"
or Frankie
who give a flying if the DVD works and its on the damn bottom of the discs the artwork is untouched
you could try to remove it if ya cant RELAX... but be prepared to f*ck up a perfectly fine DVD
Lionheart Wrote:Alright i'll try to.
FOOL....Id kick you in the head if I knew you in person. Your going to run into this same problem with every DVD. I don't see why it bugs you care to explain?
lol sorry ment i'll try to relax.
Yeah yeah my bad thought you were going to be a fool and act on impulse...
same here for a while i thought he was gonna get some acid to dissolve it off or a knife to gauge it.
PS if you cant relax please do feel free to try my suggestion...also please take photos of the before and after...that'll give me a quik laugh :p...yeah yeah im easily entertained

It's not glue its a burn mark where they burnt the serial number off the disc... Heres a quote from arcticnightfall
"VI. What Are These "Glue Spots?"
Many HK DVD's appear to have "glue spots" on the readable side of the disk. These "spots" have been known to prevent disks from playing, skipping chapters, and otherwise freezing. Unfortunately, there's nothing that can be done about thse "spots" because they're not glue.
These "spots" are actually burn marks that are imprinted over serial numbers. Otherwise, the serial number could be used to track down the physical machines used to print each HK DVD."
Can't say I have ever noticed them on my sets though...
It's a sketchy business, what do you expect? If I were you I wouldn't mess with it or else you'll end up sorry you ever did. If you don't want the burn marks then you could always buy R1s.