rarnom Wrote:The Japanese ones also are WEEKLY. They have about 20 different titles with one chapter each. The Shonen Jump is like $5 newsstand price and a subscription is half that. So, it is really cheaper to subscribe rather than to buy all the graphic novels. I still will subscribe because I can pay for it with classroom funds, but it is pretty lame they are cutting the size.
I need to get a subscription, it costs 5.99 newsstand now, and I have bought ALL of my mags that way. But I can't say I'm really surprised that they are doing this, after all, the main point of the mag is to get people to buy graphic novels. One day, cause I was bored as hell, I sat there reading all their lines at the bottom of the page. I think that soon they will run out of stuff to say and well probably see "Buy Graphic novels you cheap bastards!"or something like that.
Quote:I need to get a subscription, it costs 5.99 newsstand now...
You sure about that? The May issue of the US Jump is still US$4.99 / C$7.99.
rugrats1 Wrote:You sure about that? The May issue of the US Jump is still US$4.99 / C$7.99.
Well, actually, it is varying for some reason, both the November 2004 and the Jan 2005 are 5.99 but others in between are 4.99, so WTF? :confused:
Blight Wrote:Thing is I'm hooked on most of the stuff in Shonen Jump and it comes out faster (in smaller doses) in the mag. But if they are going to continue the BS they are starting now, I will just fully switch over to the Graphic Novel format.
I know what you mean. Some series you can't stop once u start. So i try to not start any unfinished series cdos i know the suffering i will have to endure if i can only get an issue at a time. I likle to rape them non-stop.

I never purchased Shonen Jump cause I just didn't like the manga titles in it. As for New Type I used to buy it when it was 9.99 but when they dropped the dvd and jacked the price up to 12.99 and then put the dvd back in as an afterthought I said no fucking way!! 13 bucks is just way too much to pay for a magazine. :mad: :eek: :confused:
Young GTO in french huh? I knew there had to be a reason I took that class for 4 years. I forgot that DarkHorse published manga at all any more, nevermind SMB.
WandererX12 Wrote:Young GTO in french huh? I knew there had to be a reason I took that class for 4 years.
eeek dont remind...five years of my life went to that...ive been hitting my head with a baseball bat eversince to forget everysingle word... :mad: ahhhh FRENCH!!! i hatethem and yes im prejudised against the French...ive never met a reasonable French person their views are soo f*cked not to mention how in politics they try to screw the UK over every single chance they get...esp with their mofo truck driver strikes!!!
AHHHHHHHHHH!!! :mad: :mad:
rav96 Wrote:eeek dont remind...five years of my life went to that...ive been hitting my head with a baseball bat eversince to forget everysingle word... :mad: ahhhh FRENCH!!! i hatethem and yes im prejudised against the French...ive never met a reasonable French person their views are soo f*cked not to mention how in politics they try to screw the UK over every single chance they get...esp with their mofo truck driver strikes!!!
AHHHHHHHHHH!!! :mad: :mad:
Personally I don't have anything against the French but I know a lot of people who think like you. I'm going to Paris in September so when I get back I'll let you know what I think. I'm a bit aprehensive really, 'cause a cousin of mine who goes there often says the French are conceited bastards (he also says the English are wonderful people

). I hope I'm not going to be mistreated or anything. :eek:
As far as languages go I wish I could speak all of them. I hate the thought of not being able to understand someone.
Anyway, those of you who speak French and are interested in buying Young GTO can do so after the 17th of May. You can order it on:
http://www.amazon.fr or
It's going to be published by Pika Edition at a rate of 1 volume every month.