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Full Version: Soul Calibur 3 : Fall 2005 -- Trailer
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3 New Characters!

Trailer found on Galaxy Anime:

The trailer won't work for me.
Go to and look up soul calibur 3, you'll find it there.

You don't get much gameplay in the video, but who cares about that. Its soul calibur 3, also, about time they brought it back to one exclusive system. If Tekken 5 is any sign of namco's 'exclusive' quality, then I can't WAIT for SC3
hope its a true sequel.... not like SC2 *cough* 1.5 *cough*

i loved it but darn it wasnt a true sequel even the simple thing in sequels...the graphics were close to the DC beautiful original...

Plus Tekken 5 thank god it wiped the travesty that was Tekken 4...the model designs were so bad in Tekken4 (though high res and shiny) even the tekken Tag ones were alot better...thank god for the return of the King of Ironfist glory
Soul Calibur always tasted like Tekken to me. I wish Sega would hurry with their next Virtua installment.
yeah and hopefully without another EVo thing coz that pissed me off...dsng they just wanted more bad by then i got a swap card and d/led the iso of evo though i ddi buy VF4 orig release.
That Zasalamel dude looks badass.
Namco character design is always if only i could get Neo didgital pinp (eerrr think the name was mouse) to get me and a certain Asuka Kazama down and digitally dirty Wink
sprite power :p
Tira's blades remind be kinda of Voldo's Big Grin

Man..I cant wait, Soul Calibur is one of the funnest games out there in my opinion. My favorite fighter, I love the speed and characters.

Oh, and I cant check out the trailer for a couple hours -.-
Bet you loved that heichachi was in SC2

but i must say im more of a Tekken person... i just like hand to hand more than weapons
rav96 Wrote:Bet you loved that heichachi was in SC2

but i must say im more of a Tekken person... i just like hand to hand more than weapons
DID I ever. Big Grin <3

That man is my idol.