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Rock climbing is probably my favorite, I feel like I am at peace when I do it. Snowboarding, nice to see some ladies like doing this as well. Drawing, making my girl laugh, writing toy reviews, rappelling from buildings when I'm drinking with friends, volunteering at the local soup kitchen, and probably a whole lot more things that I can't think of right now.
gah you lucky schmucks i only get to do dry slope shite xD...urghhh
though planned a winter holiday but then everyone else i knew backed down Sad

Rock climbing is fun but damn it really kills the fore arms then next day, i cant do it regularly

what i wanna do realy is surf but theres no suf in the land of Midland Sad but wake boarding is fun Big Grin
rav96 Wrote:gah you lucky schmucks i only get to do dry slope shite xD...urghhh
though planned a winter holiday but then everyone else i knew backed down Sad

There's always the Tamworth Snow Dome. It has like fake real snow (if that makes sense lol) that is just like the real thing (cold and wet!). I got on that old show Disneys Road Hog there when I went as a kid... That annoying kid who presented it Des or whoever interviewed me and my mate lol then I jumped off the ramp for them to some cheesy soundtrack Big Grin

Edit: I actually found a photo of that anoying kid!

[Image: ballard-paul.gif]

Anyone from the UK remember him lol?
hahahhahahhaa i rember that annoying shite...hahahhaa LMFAO (was his name Des or something??!?!!??? what ever happened to that kid?)

yeah well there is a fake real snow places i know...and i have been to Tamworth twice before coz i used to go Birmingham alot when i went on me uni hopping escapades...
but its to far for me when im a Notts uni..theres just a dryslope thingy but not like i go there regularly coz i dont like the dryslopes esp when ya hit ya arse on the floor Wink

plus nothing beats the real real stuff in the mountains Wink now i just need a snow filled mountainus, Beach area full of surf and a shite load of dirttracks and BMX parks some good Gig/Rock houses scattered among all that lot....mmm now that what i'd call My Kinda Place...

if one exists (preferbly in Japan) please do tell em peops Wink

Edit: im gonna find a place like that or make one as best i can...think i'd cal it RavTopia Wink

yeah yeah...remember i put the "Narc in Narcissist " yeah i wish Rolleyes ...damn loving thyself can be the hardest thing Sad
Oh, and now to prove I have a life! ...Sort off.

Music, Writing (I stick to fantasy and horror genre), Video Games (I guess this doesnt really count as 'other'), Drawing--big time, walking

Well, I guess I dont have a life after all. Oh well. It was worth the try. Big Grin
im sure your life will be to busy being the wife to three guys and nursing all those kids :eek: :p
instead of three men and a baby..............
its three men, a wife, and oh so many rugrats plus babies :p
well may be not it 3 men....

it may be 2 boys (Oni and Vegeta are still youngens) and a convict (*looks at R00ster*) plus a teenwife, plus the rugrats and babies

*goes back off to scout locations for RavTopia*...
darn its hard closest so far is New Zealand (mountains with snow and beaches with surf in close enough proximity)

then i gotta seduce a millionaire divorcee/older woman and take all her money ...mWahahaha....

ya all seen Cocktail Wink
Hockey, girls, music, and money Big Grin .
I have always been into music. Lots of stuff, classical, classic rock, punk, post-hardcore, electronica, alt-rock, fusion, blah blah, you get the idea.

I really like movies, mostly the indy ones, but I will watch anything if it is a good film.
Having said that I LOVE Hong Kong cinema (hence my avatar) and that includes all the genres: heroic bloodshed, wuxia penn (historic swordfighting), martial arts, chopsocky kung-fu, triad/yakuza, car racing, horror/exploitation, etc...

Lately I have really gotten into the tv show '24'. I started watching that this season and I was super hooked on it. Just in the past 2 weeks I borrowed the season 2 & 3 boxsets from friends and watched those during my spring break. The show is probably the best non-comedy American tv show EVER made.

I also like table top games like: chess, GO, Risk, Settlers of Catan, etc...
rav96 Wrote:well may be not it 3 men....

it may be 2 boys (Oni and Vegeta are still youngens) and a convict (*looks at R00ster*) plus a teenwife, plus the rugrats and babies
oh my, what -have - I gotten myself into? XD

kids would be to confusing, I wouldnt know who was the father to who. Big Grin
Maybe I should just buy some clay figuires and put name tags on them.
lol yeah...remember to name ya first born after me :p Wink
rav96 Wrote:lol yeah...remember to name ya first born after me :p Wink

hmm, could you be one of the three men??? Wink
the 3 men = r00ster, Onizuka 17711 and Vegeta76

how dare you put me in the same catergories as those three :p
im no man...Wink
im a Loser...:eek: but the best goddarn Loser ever :p
Well, I guess I could name the first born after all. Better then having the 3 of them fighting over who to name it after. As long as they don't protest that is Big Grin

I'd be outnumbered, 1-3. Crap. :eek:
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