Hi guys and gals
l was wondering whether you could take the time to score my tee design for me. Its my first attempt, and hopefully you guys and gals will like it.
Also l be adding/changing the color tee to grey and the graphic in blue. The orignal was more detailed but since the rules were strict on what or could not be submitted some alterations had to be made.
Anyway enjoy and thanks in advance.
Please don't take this the wrong way but it's a little bit too yellow. I think it will definitely be better in grey.
The designs fine
Now Red Tshirt with White,Grey and Black decal
though if ya gonna stick with the yellow use green its a better combo then that shade of red...or a maroony red
I'm not a fan of yellow either; if the shirt was blue I'd like it better. It seems kinda of vacant other than the main character (which I won't comment on cause it isn't in the vein of what I would consider wearing). But it is original and I am always a fan of the unique.

I like yellow! Characters cute aswell.
Thanks for the words of advice, yep the color needs to be changed which hopefully be sorted out soon.
Thank you again
I agree with the others, design is cool. The colour should come with a health warning though.
I like it..I even like the yellow... Where the hell have you been Yakumo?
evilomar Wrote:I like it..I even like the yellow... Where the hell have you been Yakumo?
Oh man reality has hit home mate, the final year at Uni was mad since l needed a good grade and then since graduating l been applying for jobs left right and centre with no success since the media industry is saturated like a fat pig.
yakumo Wrote:l been applying for jobs left right and centre with no success since the media industry is saturated like a fat pig.
Yeh I´m doing media and they keep telling us like hardly anyone even gets a job in the media in our lectures... Thats what are own lecturers say! So encouraging...
gubi-gubi Wrote:Yeh I´m doing media and they keep telling us like hardly anyone even gets a job in the media in our lectures... Thats what are own lecturers say! So encouraging...
Yeah its pretty much true, even if you have talent the wage is so incredibly low thats its depressing.
hey Gubi Gubi you're in the UK?, wow l always assumed you lived in France

yakumo Wrote:hey Gubi Gubi you're in the UK?, wow l always assumed you lived in France
Ha France? I wish I was... Im stuck studying in sunny Salford... What a dump!
I like the yellow too. Maybe make it a little more 'mustardy' of a yellow and make the design a darker red.
the desine is coo but the color depinds on who is wering it and what color thay like so u should make diffrent mixes of color
gubi-gubi Wrote:Ha France? I wish I was... Im stuck studying in sunny Salford... What a dump!
oh man l was there last month, we could have hooked up mate.