Anyone know of a setting or a program that will shut windows down automatically at a certain time or after a set amount of time? Reason I ask is my parents are being jerks and won't let me download anymore overnight cuz they're too lazy to spend one minute to come into my room at turn it off so they can use the internet in the morning. :mad: Lazy parents.
download gozilla, it can shut off your computer after the download finishes
Most P2P programs will shut down but I think you want one seperate piece of software as im guessing you want it to shut down even if there are downloads still going? There must be loads of simple freeware programs. Try or something. If I was at home I could of made you a simple one with Visual Basic but I´m not

from the command prompt:
shutdown -s -t xxxxx where xxxxx is the number of seconds (do the math). For those of you interested this is how to reboot a machine remotely:
shutdown -r -t 00 (reboot immediately).
Wow my first post here and it had nothing to do with anime lol