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Full Version: Kenshin!Kenshin! OAV *spoiler alert*
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elcoholic Wrote:If you just watch the last 30 eps. without reading all the bs that manga fanboys are sprouting I found them to be quite enjoyable. Every anime that doesn't follow the manga exactly gets this same bs so I just don't listen to it anymore. Take the anime as it is and judge it accordingly. All the eps. in the last part of the anime are short stories but fun to watch. They don't match up against the first 2 arcs but still they are more fun to watch than half of the other animes out there. Its still Kenshin afterall.

But that last OVA totaly lost me and was IMO the worst part of the animated series. So badly written. After reading Schultz explanation just now is the first time I actually understood part of it. Never bothered to watch it for the second time though.

I heard the shit they spewed out and enjoyed the last part of Kenshin. All was pretty good or at LEAST decent with the exception of episode 95[final episode..] that I hated!
True that! The OAV I thought was a perfect ending, specially when his scar goes away after he passes, damn I cried like a little bitch. The manga ending is good as well, so if like Berserk, you take it as two different works of art, you will enjoy both.
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