Received a shipment of MAC titles today, restocked a bunch of titles, more of the popular FX titles are being replaced with MAC counterparts.
Go team JJ!!

That's almost one complete month between shipments... amazing what an effect Chinese New Year can have on things.
Still need to know though, are these crappy dvd-5's or did they start using dvd-9's again? Anyone?
Zagatto Wrote:That's almost one complete month between shipments... amazing what an effect Chinese New Year can have on things.
This was all a result of chinese newyear??? :confused:
Yeah, cuz they put everything on hold for the New Year....but damn I didn't think it would last that long. :confused:
so is it official, is FX gone forever? does anyone have a link of some sort explaining what happened to them?
maskedperson Wrote:so is it official, is FX gone forever? does anyone have a link of some sort explaining what happened to them?
this isn't the thread to ask.. search the other forums.
Cidien Wrote:Still need to know though, are these crappy dvd-5's or did they start using dvd-9's again? Anyone?
this is my quation too
are they still produce crappy dvd5 or they return to dvd9 :confused:
MAC uses both, DVD9 and DVD5, say if the set has 2 dvds and is 12 episode show, they would use DVD9 for first dvd and DVD5 for second, fitting 8 episodes on the first dvd and 4 on the other etc etc etc...
if MAC lists on their website that so and so set is DVD9, i wouldnt take it at face value, since people that do the website arent the ones that do the discs, so they just put DVD9 as default.
I think the question really is if they are reprinting old sets that were on dvd9 then on dvd5's now possibly making all the reviews made for older sets inaccurate. Example Kenshin 10 dvd set which I never heard complaints about seems to have awfull vid. quality now according to some people.
Anyway, we can't expect JJ to check all the sets so we'll just have to wait for reviews from people who want to take the risk.
JunkieJoe Wrote:MAC uses both, DVD9 and DVD5, say if the set has 2 dvds and is 12 episode show, they would use DVD9 for first dvd and DVD5 for second, fitting 8 episodes on the first dvd and 4 on the other etc etc etc...
if MAC lists on their website that so and so set is DVD9, i wouldnt take it at face value, since people that do the website arent the ones that do the discs, so they just put DVD9 as default.
The problem is MAC changed entirely to dvd-5's a while ago but now claim to be using 9's again in emails sent to several people. However, MAC seems to be run by retarded jackasses which is why i'm waiting for more reviews to roll in before I even think of buying another set from them.
Cidien Wrote:The problem is MAC changed entirely to dvd-5's a while ago but now claim to be using 9's again in emails sent to several people. However, MAC seems to be run by retarded jackasses which is why i'm waiting for more reviews to roll in before I even think of buying another set from them.
Yup this could take a while because I DOUBT many are willing to risk wasting their money only to get shit sets...
the other problem is that mac also seems to be adding bogus language tracs with suppoesed "5.1" audio. this takes up unessecary space which in turn leads to lower quality.
So uh....what's up with MAC? Before January, they used to pump something out almost once a week. It's been almost 3 weeks now. Any word on....anything? o.o