ok i got a question
i have a friend who might be taking a 32 hour trane ride so yeah 3 days total um....
is that like the worst thing ever or are there things to do or what???
Am flying home from Japan April 28, 2005. It goin sux wating for my flight and then have to be in the air for 12-13 hours before touchdown in LAX then hop into another plane for 3 hour and touchdown in Denver then hope on another plane for 1 hour to Garden City Kansas. It goin to be a long day for me. But it will beworth it, havent been hope for Three years.
Puppet Master Wrote:That's true the first time but it gets pretty boring after that. Personally even going to and back made me wanna go to sleep.
well ive been to airports and on planes like well over 20 times...but i guess if you have to go daily then yeah it may be a hassle but im just a person who actually enjoys Travelling
Same here, except I have only been about 10 or 15 times if even that.
My worst plane ride was from Amsterdam to Miami (9 hours) in a boeing 767. I had the three middle row seats with my two friends who are respectively 2.00 and 2.02 meters in length. They had their feet of the ground for atleast half the trip and we got cramps every 30 minutes.
Flying to the Bahama's in a 12 person propellor plane through a growing tropical storm wasn't alot of fun either.
longest flight ive been on is 14hours Birmingham to Tokyo...
but i watched like 4 movies...played tetris and had interesting convos
so both gettin there and my return flights seemed less long
Plus the Cabin Crew were Hot Females and Talkative
(as in not just the usual friendly to passengers manner...but proper conversatoins... even got one of their email address and we still in contact)
Cyrus Wrote:ok i got a question
i have a friend who might be taking a 32 hour trane ride so yeah 3 days total um....
is that like the worst thing ever or are there things to do or what???
Actually... train rides are nowhere near as cooped up as flights are. I had a great two day trip where I met a few guys who I played cards and drank beer with the whole way. It was pretty cool... Everything about the train just feels more relaxed and if you have the time I highly recommend taking a rail trip.
was it one of those restored old coal trains... i so wanna go on a vintage train some day in the country defnately sounds like fun
i think trains are more relaxing then planes. i hear so much about it now.
the longest i've been on a plane was 26 or 28 hrs from cali to taipei.
i dont know about the rest of you but china airline food are "not to tasty". so it was noodles in a cup for me through the whole flight, yummy.
I feel inadequate; I have never flown or been on a train. Every where I have went I have been drove or drove there myself.
Blight Wrote:I feel inadequate; I have never flown or been on a train. Every where I have went I have been drove or drove there myself.
Don't feel bad, it's the same for myself..
You guys have to Travel somewhere soon...do it now while your young coz then alter you'll be tied down by jobs and stuff
i'm leaving in the morning for my flight. i don't have to wait long for one of the connecting flight. but there is a 3 hour one, hmmm, what to do, what to do. well i can start talking to people and strike up a conversation. blah........
I´m on holiday at the moment

Flight took about 4 hours 20 mins and the leg room was so bad my knees were jammed right in the back of the chair infront. Deep vein thrombosis alert! :eek: