by console exclusive, i mean a game that is only released on a single metal gear solid 3 on ps2. I am starting this thread because gamewinners just announced that Fable will soon be playable on PC...this kind of makes me mad because it is the ONE good game that is exclusively on Xbox....other then halo 2 which SHOULD be on PC.
before you say that your think that everygame should be realeased on every system, then there would be only one console after he bought out everyone else...then we would be at the mercy of which ever company that is.....only hope is that it wouldnt be microsoft...dear god...not microsoft
I have a PS2; there have been exclusive games for other consoles that have sparked my attetion, but none enough for me to actually get another console, & trust me, when I was rolling in 150 bucks a week & walking into gamestop to get atleast 2-3 games a week; I could afford another console, & I'll admit I wasted a sh!t load of cash on bad games, but still there was absolutly no reason to spend the money I knew I was wasting on a different console.
PS2 on the other hand, I couldn't live without my DMC 3

It doesnt annmoy me untill they start moving a series from one consol to another or have a part of the sreies on another.
i think the more the merrier
such as if final fantasy 7 hit every consol that would be cool
I think more availablity for the gamer means more fun i have no problem with it.
If every game were to come out on every system then everyone would prolly just go with one system that had the game come out first or one system that was a little cheaper or whatever but that isn't going to happen. Also many games are better on certain systems.
Such as xbox has better graphics and more players so games that rely a lot on graphics or multyplayer are better if for x box so people will get an x box for those games for single player games and other unique 3d platform adenture games they come out on ps2 and x box and they work fine heck even gamecube could do it. IN all honesty the X box could support most all kinds of games except the little kid games cus that would just be overload. So the way i see it if Gamecube wants to go little kid or whatever x box wants to go multiplayer for the most part and ps2 wants to go general i have no problem. Like i said before if all the games were on one system it may be different but hey if Halo 2 hit ps2 come on it would suck 2 player support.......
It would be nice if you could get more games that are on every consol and if not that exspecially keep the sequels and threequels to the same system or the same system and other systems. It's freaking crap that i would have to get a GBA to play Kingdom Hearts Chain of Memories considering it bridges the gap between 1 and 2.
Cyrus Wrote:It's freaking crap that i would have to get a GBA to play Kingdom Hearts Chain of Memories considering it bridges the gap between 1 and 2.
that's when emulation is a must (ok, not really, but it's easier).
Some games are better off on only one system, and if every game was on every system then you would probably only have one or two systems, consoles do there most business off exclusives, I think games should only spread to other systems if they can maintain the level of quality in the game or improve it. Like why did rainbow six or splinter cell come out on the gamecube, they totally sucked, but resident evil is at its best on the cube, it doesnt really make much difference anyway because everyone I know owns at least two if not all systems.
Yes, there should always be console specific games, hell its the reason to buy the console. I like it when a game can be designed to take full advantage of the features and power of whatever console it is made on. Instead of middleware ports that don't maximize anything.
I wish there were more exclusives. When every console gets a game, the quality is always worse. Due to the game being developed mainly for 1 of them, so the other 2 get crappy ports.
At least with exclusives. They take advantage of the system itself, and use its specs to the fullest.
I could probably make a huge list of games that were great on their original intended console, but the ports suck. Even recently, look at Silent Hill 4. The game was designed on the ps2, and from what i've heard, the x-box version has all kinds of graphic glitches (with the shadows) and various other issues.
I also agree with how annoying it is to see a series dragged all around. I'm sure that was in reference to the Resident Evil series. The ps1 had the originals, then they were ported around. Then the gamecube stole the series for the remake, zero, and 4. Not that it matters, because i'm sure they were better off on the cube anyway. RE4 wouldn't even look HALF as good if it was made on the ps2. Mainly due to the crazy lighting that the cube can do.
desfunk Wrote:I wish there were more exclusives. When every console gets a game, the quality is always worse. Due to the game being developed mainly for 1 of them, so the other 2 get crappy ports.
At least with exclusives. They take advantage of the system itself, and use its specs to the fullest.
I could probably make a huge list of games that were great on their original intended console, but the ports suck. Even recently, look at Silent Hill 4. The game was designed on the ps2, and from what i've heard, the x-box version has all kinds of graphic glitches (with the shadows) and various other issues.
I also agree with how annoying it is to see a series dragged all around. I'm sure that was in reference to the Resident Evil series. The ps1 had the originals, then they were ported around. Then the gamecube stole the series for the remake, zero, and 4. Not that it matters, because i'm sure they were better off on the cube anyway. RE4 wouldn't even look HALF as good if it was made on the ps2. Mainly due to the crazy lighting that the cube can do.
I am sorry to tell you but RE 4 will be released on the Ps2 later this year.. ;o)
i can;t get over the fact that you can play tony hawk on the gameboy advanced.....
freaking crazy
hahahahha get over it my friend

Schultz Wrote:I am sorry to tell you but RE 4 will be released on the Ps2 later this year.. ;o)
yay that means i can d/l the iso

me scurvy ker
Schultz Wrote:I am sorry to tell you but RE 4 will be released on the Ps2 later this year.. ;o)
Yeah, i know. I'd much rather have the cube version anyway. I'm gonna guarantee now that the ps2 version WILL be a piece of crap.
desfunk Wrote:Yeah, i know. I'd much rather have the cube version anyway. I'm gonna guarantee now that the ps2 version WILL be a piece of crap.
I'm curious how you can guarantee that the PS2 version will blow chunks if the GC version isn't already a piece of crap? I'm not an expert of the RE series but I would expect the game play to be pretty much comperable.
even if it is crap...its gonna be free crap for me :p