onizuka17711 Wrote:You can't expect good story in porn, it doesn't exist :p .
That?s the point you see, any story with a mail order bride in it is destine to be bad. So, I just don't want my life turning in to one of those movies...wait, WTF am I saying! (j/k) Even the pizza boys gets it in those movies. And you always have a bi-curious girlfriend, with lots of friends.
Blight Wrote:WTF that?s awful (yet I laughed). I couldn't do that though. You?d start the relationship with a wall between you. It would just be awkward all the time. Also, a mail order bride story always seems to be the beginning of a crappy porno. 
er what's funny is; the dude & his friend bought her right; she gets to the guy, & she's fat, so he's like WTF!!!!:mad: So his friend starts banging the crap out of her; he makes her clean his house the whole time she's there & then when she starts using up to much of his coke he sends her back.
One of my friends knows the guy;
Dude cultural stuff is easier to get over than you'd think I know one particualr couple, that's asian & white, she moved into the US, so she speaks not so great english & all & she still beleives in her rasing, but they're in love, & have been gonig strong ever sense whenever it was they got married.
Batz Kage Wrote:I'm a control freak, I like things MY WAY!!!, but I love to argue. That was one of the only things I had in common with my last ex & the reason we broke up; she said she wanted to be dominated after putting up a fight (either physically or verbally), but everytime we'd aruge over something like what color some meaningless item should be she would actually get all stressed out :confused:
Well, better than having a sadist GF. That is frustrating when they can?t keep it in its proper place. :mad:
It is good to feel really needed though, and to feel like your presence in someone else?s life makes all the difference to them. So you should enjoy it luck dog.

Batz Kage Wrote:Dude cultural stuff is easier to get over than you'd think I know one particualr couple, that's asian & white, she moved into the US, so she speaks not so great english & all & she still beleives in her rasing, but they're in love, & have been gonig strong ever sense whenever it was they got married.
Ya, true love destroys everything in its path (including sanity lol), so I can see it working, but in rare and beautiful cases only.
Blight Wrote:Well, better than having a sadist GF. That is frustrating when they can?t keep it in its proper place. :mad:
Nah, I'm a sadist through & through for the most part, most the gals I get with are Mastochist (er i think I just wrote the name of a My Ruin song & not what i meant -_-) they've all been abused as a child & for some reason enjoy having the abuse continue, but they don't like opening up & sharing, I'm a guy that's very open & I don't feel I know someone less I actually know about them, but to many people are all about 'here & now' which makes sense & all, but knowing a person's past when they're suicidal tells you what buttons are dangerous to push: anotehr side note I jsut remembered about that one ex is, she always wanterd sex that didn't involve a penis, nor was oral, it was really confusing to talk about with her..-_- one minute she;d be telling me what she wanted done in the bedroom the next minute she'd be gasping at one of my sexual jokes & saying we hardly know each other.
And thanks :p
This thread took an interesting turn..XD
katherine_jean Wrote:This thread took an interesting turn..XD
Precisely why I come to this forum :p ...
onizuka17711 Wrote:Precisely why I come to this forum :p ...
Well, it definatly has its..perks? And laughable moments.. :p
Well..moments on a forum is like a day, but ya know, its all good..

Batz- I never sent you a decent pic of my friend because she says I suck at taking pictures when she also says I am awesome at it when i do photo shoots for her....she needs to make up her mind. I never told you her age because she gets mad at me for telling people because they treat her like a little kid. Same with me though. Also, she could inflict some damage to me because I am a small person compared to her...in every way :eek: . And she could throw me pretty far....she DID that one day...but she gives good masages!
Onizuka- Lol. You will always be older than me

Batik Wrote:Batz- I never sent you a decent pic of my friend because she says I suck at taking pictures when she also says I am awesome at it when i do photo shoots for her....she needs to make up her mind. I never told you her age because she gets mad at me for telling people because they treat her like a little kid. Same with me though. Also, she could inflict some damage to me because I am a small person compared to her...in every way :eek: . And she could throw me pretty far....she DID that one day...but she gives good masages!
Onizuka- Lol. You will always be older than me
Yeah, but it was weird, she was like; oh I'm younger than I look, well she looked 18-19 in the first picture she sent me & I was like, oh so you're 15-16; she was like, oh most people guess 11-12, but I'm 13. I couldn't help it it was like the stopping of vinyl; eeeeerrrrrrkkkk WTF? then she told me she was going on 14 & it was all cool

LMAO! I love the added affect of the vinyl *laughs about it a bit more* Yeah, she makes a big deal about her age but hey *shrugs* she doesn't mind too much when people mistake her for being older...it is when they mistake her for being 12 that she gets really pissy about it lol. Yup, she never stops ranting about when she will be 14 but no matter how old she is she will still pet me ont he head.....*sniff* what a sad sad world lol. She calls me cute too! :confused: It is alright when older people call me cute because I am a little kid in comparison but when someone younger than me calls me that is is down right creepy! XD
Batik Wrote:It is alright when older people call me cute because I am a little kid in comparison but when someone younger than me calls me that is is down right creepy! XD
Also, she is a girl, I wouldn't want a little boy doing that to me. EWW, just the thought is creepy. :eek:
EEK! That would be scary....I have been complimeted by little kids but never been called "cute" grr..I would beat the child if one called me that.
Batik Wrote:EEK! That would be scary....I have been complimeted by little kids but never been called "cute" grr..I would beat the child if one called me that.
Awww, you're so cute :p ...
GRRRRRRRRRR jk jk. You are not an 11 year old so I have no reason to bite your head off

. I am not cute, and you know it!