Every time I ever bought R1s or even licensed VHS tapes of anime I can never finish the series cause by the time I go to buy the next volume I never can find it. I only buy HKs for the fact they are quick and easy to get the whole series without scouring the whole R1 region for that last volume. Sure you can buy boxsets of R1s but then the price makes you think it's a phone number. lol The only warm fuzzy feeling I've ever had was wrapping up in a electric blanket, I've yet to get that feeling from a R1.
balthier Wrote:That's enough spent on HK sets to have every anime ever worth owning :eek:
Depends on the person because HK wise I can probally get the vast majority if not all the titles I want at the moment anyways for under a thousand with what ive spent so far. So it depends on the person really and what their into...
Puppet Master Wrote:Depends on the person because HK wise I can probally get the vast majority if not all the titles I want at the moment anyways for under a thousand with what ive spent so far. So it depends on the person really and what their into...
Yea I definitly agree. If someones anime taste is refined like mine and yours it won't cost more then $1000 for everything that's worth watching.
There is alot of trash out there I wouldn't wanna see. And I know cuz I can't find anything I don't already own that I want on MAC or MI's dvd list.
When I first really started getting into anime 5 years ago I purchased R1's, then I discovered hkdvds and probally blew about 14-1600 bucks on those, then I discovered downloading and thats all I do now. I have found quite a few sources for R1 rips online-like the afore mentioned Miami Guns & Lost Universe.


i buuy a mix and lately have been buying more R2s and R1s
and d/l series of Bt mainly