Hi, i just sold some of my dvds to this guy on another forum. He offered me to pay me by Money order, but I don't know what it is and how do you obtain money from it? Can someone help?

You can cash a money order at the bank.... or if it's a postal money order, at the post office, or some convience stores / gas stations will cash them.
Which convenience stores? Do you mean like IGA or County Market etc...... Also do you have to pay a fee to cash the m.o.?
Yes, I think you probably do have to pay a fee for cashing the money order... but probably not at the bank.... (if you purchase one, there is a fee, unless you get it from your bank which usually provides them with no charge, but that depends on the bank) convience store = 7/11, they usually post some type of sign saying whether they cash them or not. (money orders accepted here) It is easier to cash a money order from a bank... some are hard to cash from, especially ones from some places, which if it's from a convience store / gas station type place, you may have to cash it at the same place in your area, or if it is a postal money order, then that may have to be cashed at the post office.
You can contact this number for information on money orders 1-800-223-7520, or even do a search for money order on the internet for more information about them since it's been some time since I've dealt with money orders... there are different types and that number may only apply to one type. I do know you can check on the status of a money order thru that number or you can cancel payment on one as well, but like I said, it's been awhile since I've dealt with money orders.
you can cash it at any bank or almost any grocery store, with no fee -- im not too sure if you can at the post office, even if its a postal service money order