Im having Trouble Accessing the store. I Login but when I hit the store tab it boots me out and I have to Login again whats up ? I emailed the administrator 2 days ago about this and still nothing has been done.
The store and the forum use seperate logins. You have to log into each part individually. Sorry for the hassle but it's the way the software is set up.
i've been having the same problem. when i try to log in to the store it boots me out too, saying i'm not logged in. forums no problem but the store is the one i'm having problems logging in. and i know there both seperate.
I can get to the store fine, my problem is that I can't add anything to my "cart"
well sorry but that doesn't help me at all.. What errors or what happens.. does pay pal give an error? Or does our site give an error.. to add to cart a window should popup since its going to paypal.. SO if you have popups turned off it won't work. but it does work as i can do it.. So its a problem on your end with something.
I think it's just me being an idiot but I go to the store and click on one of the anime titles and I find no way to "add to cart"
Like I said it's just me being stupid and not noticing something. But could someone point out what it is I'm not seeing.
I click on the store link.
I click on an Anime title.
The Title and information show up and I can't find the link to add to cart.
(edited for clarification)
This is how it should look when you are on the store page..
There should be a link under the details of a image that has "Add to Cart"
Okay... that's wierd... I can see it in Internet Explore but I can in Mozilla Firefox
Thank you for the help it works now

Deimos_Masque Wrote:Okay... that's wierd... I can see it in Internet Explore but I can in Mozilla Firefox
Thank you for the help it works now 
wait... which one can you see it in, and which one can you NOT see it in?
EDIT: I'm using Firefox and i can see it just fine...
Make sure that he allows images from remote site.. He probably hasn't something stopping the images.. Maybe a plugin like ad-block or something stopping him from seeing the images since they come off paypal's server not locally from ours.. But either way its in his configuration.. And i know i use Firefox all the time and i don't have this problem.
i had this same problem, so i added Mozilla - and i enter threw that, instead of Internet Explorer-- Internet explorer would demand i enter my name and password every time I enter a new screen . It also gave me alot of problems when i download threw animesuki-( wouldnt let me )- I really hate Internet Explorer. Surprised more peole dont know about all the crap Microsoft does to keep you from the net, rather than helping you . Try Firefox for your internet software - Ive had it for over a year and Im very happy with it - it also keeps out more popups than Internet Explorer --

Sounds like your Internet Explorer cookies setties where session only.. Which means the cookie is on for that session of window. it don't last at all.. which you can change that.. ;o) but either way I perfer Firefox over IE..
I am having issues trying to log in to the store. I was able to last log in on saturday. Now it just says "Invalid Username or Password please try again" who do I have to contact?
Go ahead and email at
[email protected] and i will see what the problem is.. Just let me know what your username or if its the same as the forums..