Just bought these 3 new Disney/Ghibli 2 Disc Special Editions:
The Cat Returns
Porco Rosco
Nausicaa : Valley Of The Wind
Anyone get these yet? Just watched the Nausicaa Eng dub and its great

+ the storyboard's on disc 2 are amazing + theres a great featurette on disc 2 called "Birth of Studio Ghibli", AMAZING
I bought Nausicaa and Porco Rosso. I watched Nausicaa and still haven't watched Porco Rosso. Nausicaa is an excellent movie, and this two disc set is really nice.
Since you have all three maybe you can answer a question for me. I was looking at the boxes in the store and The Cat Returns has a little sticker on it saying if you buy all three movies you get a free DVD all you have to pay is shipping. My question: What DVD is it?
You get your choice of Castle in the Sky, Kiki's Delivery Service, or Spirited Away.
I picked up all three discs last week and have already mailed away for my free disc ($3.99 for shipping and handling).
The dubs on all three movies are top notch.
Katina has been demanding to watch Nausicaa over and over again ever since I brought them in the door.
My only complaint is that the US release of Cat Returns didn't include Ghiblis 2 which is included on the release I got from here. For that reason I'm very happy to have picked up the HK release as well as the R1s.
Next on the calendar of Miyazaki goodness is the North American (limited) theatrical release of Howl's moving castle. I've already seen a decent bootleg and can't wait for my chance to see it on the big screen.
Zagatto Wrote:Next on the calendar of Miyazaki goodness is the North American (limited) theatrical release of Howl's moving castle. I've already seen a decent bootleg and can't wait for my chance to see it on the big screen.
Any chance of a hint as to where i might be able to pick up a dvd of Howl's Moving Castle?? HK with bad engrish subs, me don't mind

Zagatto Wrote:My only complaint is that the US release of Cat Returns didn't include Ghiblis 2 which is included on the release I got from here. For that reason I'm very happy to have picked up the HK release as well as the R1s.
You know it doesn't surprise me at all that they didn't include it. I agree that it does suck. I love those little anime short films. The one about the hot curry is quite good.
I bought all three and already have all three of the ones you can get free, so we sent away for one for Amethyst! I love Nausicaa....great movie.....I've been watching that movie since I was 3-4 years old..... started with the first dubbed version of it...."Warriors of the Wind"....now that I saw the Japanese version a few years ago I wanted to gag at that dubbed version....but the disney version did a pretty good job.....at least they didn't cut out like half of all the best scenes...

Yeah, I've still got my copy of Warriors of the Wind sitting on the shelf. I thought that was one of the best animated movies of all time when I first saw it. It wasn't till a few years later and I saw a bootleg of the unedited movie that I realized how much better it could be.
Now that Disney has spent the time and money on good dubs I'm even happier. Patrick Stewart is perfect for Lord Yupa... I think there's only one voice actor that I didn't like in the whole movie.
And if you use BitTorrent, point your browser at
http://s5.isohunt.com/torrents.php?ihq=c...&op=and&nr to find Howl's Moving Castle. Even though it's a camera copy it's still a great movie and worth the time to watch.
Thanks for the directions Zagatto
Really want to see this new Ghibli flick
I have the R3 Nausicaa, Totoro & Spirited Away. All ace quality too. The extras on the second disks don't interest me much though.
I have pretty much all of the Studio Ghibli films...mostly in All regions but I've collected all the ones that are out in R1's too....I still have my VHS of Warriors of the Wind as well as the VHS of Nausicaa....sure I have the movie on DVD in all region and R1's but hey what can I say I just can't seem to part with it.... :p
Im glad your all happy with these pimped out versions-- come-on would'nt it be better in japanese language and subtitled in English then letting those Disney whore mongers screw with it-- and the big deal of getting one of the other disney dubs- which by the way you probably already have if your a true Studio Gibli fan -- I think they really screwed up Spirited away, which is one of the best films ever made , forget its anime , it in the top 10 best movies ever--what also pisses me off about Disney is you will rarely ever see these babys under 20 bucks-( thats on a good day )- Well come to think of it , you can turn off the English, listen to it in Japanese with subtitles and it would be the way it was intended to be viewed-- but the Studio Gibli set is pretty much the same and a whole lot cheaper-( 6 disc set is better than the four )- Yeeeee ah HK

good hunting !
puzzleguy Wrote:Im glad your all happy with these pimped out versions-- come-on would'nt it be better in japanese language and subtitled in English then letting those Disney whore mongers screw with it-- and the big deal of getting one of the other disney dubs- which by the way you probably already have if your a true Studio Gibli fan -- I think they really screwed up Spirited away, which is one of the best films ever made , forget its anime , it in the top 10 best movies ever--what also pisses me off about Disney is you will rarely ever see these babys under 20 bucks-( thats on a good day )- Well come to think of it , you can turn off the English, listen to it in Japanese with subtitles and it would be the way it was intended to be viewed-- but the Studio Gibli set is pretty much the same and a whole lot cheaper-( 6 disc set is better than the four )- Yeeeee ah HK
good hunting !
Is your name puzzleguy 'cause trying to decipher what in the hell you're talking about is like solving a puzzle?
puzzleguy Wrote:Im glad your all happy with these pimped out versions-- come-on would'nt it be better in japanese language and subtitled in English then letting those Disney whore mongers screw with it-- and the big deal of getting one of the other disney dubs- which by the way you probably already have if your a true Studio Gibli fan -- I think they really screwed up Spirited away, which is one of the best films ever made , forget its anime , it in the top 10 best movies ever--what also pisses me off about Disney is you will rarely ever see these babys under 20 bucks-( thats on a good day )- Well come to think of it , you can turn off the English, listen to it in Japanese with subtitles and it would be the way it was intended to be viewed-- but the Studio Gibli set is pretty much the same and a whole lot cheaper-( 6 disc set is better than the four )- Yeeeee ah HK
good hunting !
I actually prefer watching with the Japanese track with the english subtitles, but I have to say that the Disney version is a MUCH better version of Nausicaa than the HACKED up version that Warriors of the Wind was....although I have to say my fav line from Warriors of the Wind was....(Nausicaa/Zandra) "I can take off from anywhere! (doors open) Except under fire!!".... I didn't mind the prices of these new ones, I got them on sale and an additional 10% off of an extra anime purchase per disk so I got 3 more disks at 10% off....not to bad in my opinion...I've seen worse :p Not to mention I already have the 6 disk set

Gee Rooster- a little sensitive aaay ! If you like the Disney versions , thats OK --Disneys not like they use to be - Walt Disney would turn over in his grave if they knew what they were doing to his company - I know as a fact that someone with more heart could definitely do a better job than Disney on the Gibli films-- by the way rooster, Im the puzzleguy because I make puzzles for a living - Why do you call yourself the Rooster ?

, hope you enjoy your Americanized Anime !
puzzleguy Wrote:Gee Rooster- a little sensitive aaay ! If you like the Disney versions , thats OK --Disneys not like they use to be - Walt Disney would turn over in his grave if they knew what they were doing to his company - I know as a fact that someone with more heart could definitely do a better job than Disney on the Gibli films-- by the way rooster, Im the puzzleguy because I make puzzles for a living - Why do you call yourself the Rooster ?
, hope you enjoy your Americanized Anime !
Now now.
I agree with Disney turning over in his grave.
But, I just bought the 3 a couple days ago and just finished wathing them, and there all pretty good. I may not like the voices, but they are welldone. And, americanized or not, I think they did a fairly good job on packaging.
Oh and, Zagatto, how long did it take for your free movie to come? I sent away for mine yesterday. (Laputa..cause I already own the other 2) And did they send the one you priortized as #1? (that is IF you got it yet)