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If anybody has Kazaa I got all of s.CRY.ed and most of Full Metal Panic, if anybody would like to check'em out.
I got some other stuff too. Not much, but maybe something you're interested in. I never get offline, so take as long as you want.
If you got anything useful, maybe I'll leach off you...
I gave up on Kazaa. Nothing good on there. :mrgreen:
i'm on a capped limit per month.... so i just gave up on downloading anime......
though in the past 2 days i've downloaded episodes 1 of Witch Hunter Robin, Naruto, Galaxy Angel, and Tiny Sugar Snow Fairy.......
but i kinda use it to see if i LIKE the series.... then if i do i go out and get their dvds :p
I downloaded some fan subs a while back but that was about it. :mrgreen:
Quote:Originally posted by "desfunk"
i'm on a capped limit per month.... so i just gave up on downloading anime......
Get rid of bell, the cap limit really sucks, I think Primus provides DSL service in ontario, it's the same price as Bell but it has no cap . You should have plenty of DSL options instead of Bell.
As for Kazaa, I used to use it quite a bit before Bell ( this is gonna be my last month with Bell ) put a cap on my ass but if you have anything good joesama, i'll be willing to trade with you, just PM or e-mail me your list and I'll see what you got. I already got full metal panic though but s.cry.ed sounds interesting.
Quote:Originally posted by "joesama"
If anybody has Kazaa I got all of s.CRY.ed and most of Full Metal Panic, if anybody would like to check'em out.
I got some other stuff too. Not much, but maybe something you're interested in. I never get offline, so take as long as you want.
If you got anything useful, maybe I'll leach off you...
what is s.Cry.ed about? never heard about it yet.. though i have DSL now i could possible traid with you.. Anything paticular you looking for?
Quote:Originally posted by "matthewmalay"
desfunk Wrote:i'm on a capped limit per month.... so i just gave up on downloading anime......
Get rid of bell, the cap limit really sucks, I think Primus provides DSL service in ontario, it's the same price as Bell but it has no cap . You should have plenty of DSL options instead of Bell.
As for Kazaa, I used to use it quite a bit before Bell ( this is gonna be my last month with Bell ) put a cap on my ass but if you have anything good joesama, i'll be willing to trade with you, just PM or e-mail me your list and I'll see what you got. I already got full metal panic though but s.cry.ed sounds interesting.
hmmm..... i've never even looked for anything else..... cause every other DSL company i've found in my city say that they WILL probably put a cap on eventually..... and i guess from what i've heard alot of companies now only have 3 gig caps..... so Bell having 5 is actually a good thing....
but seriously... it's NOT FUN when you go like 4.5gigs over the montly limit and you're forced to pay an additional $35 to the already $40+ bill u_u
and i'd seriously look into getting that 'ultra' high speed cause if gives you 10gigs..... but sadly it's not in our area......
but i'll see if Primus is in our area..... cause i WOULD switch over to them......
I download very little in a month. Though I'm looking into Kodocha cdrs. All 102 episodes for very little. I have 60 MB of RAM. Hope it can run the episodes.
Quote:Originally posted by "desfunk"
hmmm..... i've never even looked for anything else..... cause every other DSL company i've found in my city say that they WILL probably put a cap on eventually..... and i guess from what i've heard alot of companies now only have 3 gig caps..... so Bell having 5 is actually a good thing....
but i'll see if Primus is in our area..... cause i WOULD switch over to them......
There's also LOOK and AEI, the AEI deal is pretty good especially the Ultra High Speed service, 50$ with a 20 GIG limit. The normal service doesnt have a cap for the time being but I think they might put one soon. Check if it is available in your area at .
hmmm..... AEI sounds pretty good..... too bad the ULTRA highspeed isn't available in my area u_u
if it was i'd FOR SURE go with that.......
but with my luck i'll change over to their other service...... and then a week later they'll cap it u_U ...... it ALWAYS happens that when......
If you have broadband, do you play Counter Strike?
me? nope.... i don't play anything online...... :p
That's too bad.

Damn you guys!
I live a few yards from being able to get a Cable connection, & 1/2 a miles or more from being able to get DSL. :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted:
He he I don't.
:mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen:
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