Read this below like a few mins ago, i hope they make a live action movie based on the Last Exile series it would be very interesting to see one made and how everything would be done to make it like the show.
"Patrick Macias also writes in his blog that GDH (Studio Gonzo) tells him that Joel Silver is looking into a live action version of Last Exile and that "there?s much Hollywood interest" in Speed Grapher." -ANN
Sounds like speculative drivel to me. Live action series derived from anime is never anything to get excited about. Why ruin a perfectly good series by making a live-action kickoff rendition?
Quote:Why ruin a perfectly good series by making a live-action kickoff rendition?
Seconded, however I will reserve a bit of judgement for the U.S. Eva film. Wether you like Eva or not, it should be interesting to see how big budget Hollywood does the film. If they do it right, we could possibly see a revolution of anime to film adaptions here in America, because we all know how starved Hollywood is for something quasi-original (like the recent comic to movie revolution). Which could be very neat, as long as you are not too much of a prude over how they do the films (cause you know they got to screw them up some, just hopefully not too much).
If Last Exile does get made into a live action I hope that the makers don't make the mistake that has happened so many times in the past when toons of any sort get turned into LA movies. I am sure we all remember the flop Spawn was as a LA. I don't think that it will be imposible to do a good job but taking a 20+ episode series and making it into a 2-4 hour movie could be a problem
I sure hope they don't make one.. Live action woudl ruin it.. anyone watched the Live action GTO? that thing is soooo pathetic and the anime was so good too.
Schultz Wrote:I sure hope they don't make one.. Live action woudl ruin it.. anyone watched the Live action GTO? that thing is soooo pathetic and the anime was so good too.
Hmm, a lot of people would say you are a party of one on that one, but I have heard that the movie sucked from people who liked the LA series. (GTO)
Mantis421 Wrote:If Last Exile does get made into a live action I hope that the makers don't make the mistake that has happened so many times in the past when toons of any sort get turned into LA movies. I am sure we all remember the flop Spawn was as a LA. I don't think that it will be imposible to do a good job but taking a 20+ episode series and making it into a 2-4 hour movie could be a problem
Spawn and Spawn 2 are great movies. They actually stayed pretty true to the story and added in some cool badass action. So what's your problem.
That's your opinion. I personally hated the Spawn movies.
Cidien Wrote:Spawn and Spawn 2 are great movies. They actually stayed pretty true to the story and added in some cool badass action. So what's your problem.
Are you talking about the Live action movie of Spawn? If so man that movie sucked heck even the creator of Spawn Todd McFarlwen sp? said he was dissapointed on how the movie turned out.
I would murder all of hollywood if they were to ruin such a brilliant series. This sick obsession with 'remaking' everything is just getting out of hand.
Not only has anime become so popular, but now its being violated in other forms of media.
Then again, even if it was japanese done, i wouldn't be expecting much. All anime turned into live action STINKS!
Blight Wrote:Hmm, a lot of people would say you are a party of one on that one, but I have heard that the movie sucked from people who liked the LA series. (GTO)
I personally love the Live Action series. The movie sucks when compared to the series, but since I watched it before watching the LA series I didn't think it was all that bad, just lacked a lot of background history.
The big shame that comes from hollywood is that with most of the films coming out from them and disney is that alot of the idea's they use are recycled or boring. I fully understand why they might look at anime as a virtual trove of new idea's because of the originality of most anime films and series. For the most part anime should be left alone the way it is and should not be tampered with and even tried to turn into LA. Seems Hollywood hasen't even figured out how to turn american toons with a few exceptions into good movies yet
They've been doing a good job. The only people dissapointed with most comic book adaptations lately are people who wanted a more direct port of the comic books. Take xmen for example. I don't like what they've done to rogue - and i'm pretty pissed that gambit isn't likely to show up either. Gambits my favorite xmen, and even if he does show up they can't possibly make him act the same with what they've done to rogue. It's still a great movie though. Both of them.
P.S. I like daredevil. I havn't read any of the comics, but I think the movie was pretty decent. The Punisher could have been a lot more dark though.... he was way too nice for the punisher. Maybe the next movie.... but I doubt it. (at least the game got it right =) )
The Daredevil movie was meh not bad but not good either.
The problem I had with the X-Men movies is that it just too much for a movie to handle all those characters Storm, Cyclops were just backburners the only X-Men characters that were developed well in the two movies was was Rogue and Logan. X-Men works better as a Tv series live-action or in animation.
The Punisher movie ugh what a waste of time. I want my money back now please. :p
I just hope that James Cameron won't make those sort of mistakes in the Battle Angel Alita Live action movie.
I've just seen ep 1-9 of Last Exile so far, and it is fast becoming one of my favourites

I love the world and characters that have been created in the series but i am unsure how well they would transfer into live action. Some things just work because they are a particular medium, and others don't. Live action might work out nice but i am pretty sure that the story and world created in Last Exile seem to project off the visual style of the series, if you change that visual style i think that maybe the story and world and defiantly the characters will loose that spark they all seem to possess in the anime. Plus i don't like the idea of it being Americanised. Hollywood and its new trend for remakes and adaptations of games and comics seems to be constantly growing, why can't people come up with their own ideas any more, i suppose that this can be said for movies and games....and its slowly increasing.