I've read at a couple of reliable sites that Capcom announced Mega Man X Collection for both GameCube and PS2, a follow-up to last year's Mega Man Anniversay Collection. The collection will feature a compilation of classic Mega Man X action games probably 1-6, because of disc space, plus a bonus game Mega Man kart racing game called Mega Man Battle & Chase, I believe that one came out on the PSX. I am actually more excited about the confirmation of Capcom Classic Collections, this compilation will feature 20 classic titles, including ones that were never released on consoles before, no specific titles have yet been announced. Here's hoping for Warzard and Red Earth to be in those 20, but with the classic title I am guessing stuff like Ghost and Goblins and 194x.
HOORAY!!! A collection with a total of 3 actually GOOD games in it! Seriously, most of the X series is the same old stuff. I think X1, X4, and Battle & Chase are the only reasons i'll buy that. (even though i have all of them already).
As for the capcom classics. All it needs is Magic Sword, and i'll be happy. Everyone keeps calling for Warzard and Red Earth or whatever it's called. When i'm sure they were never released for a REASON. After seeing the few characters from those series in Capcom Fighting Evo, i can see why it was never released. They were some of the stupidest characters i had ever seen. It's one of those games that everybody wants, just because they never got to play it.
Also, i'd have no complaints with ghost and goblins and 194x... since i enjoy both greatly n_n. I'm really curious about what the 20 games will be. Now THAT is a list i'm excited for.
Well. let's not kid our selves Capcom should have stopped the X series after the first one, they milked the series, and still are, for all its got. However, they are still some of the best damn 2D sidescrolling games. As far as Warzard, its a damn good game, the only game to use the CP3 system, besides Street Fighter 3. Magic Sword was awesome, and it had a real good conversion on the SNES. Ghost and Goblins and the 1940 series are great, but I would rather play games that were never released. Its pathetic that its these kind of games that gets me excited about videogames at all. Call me old school, but seriously I am anxiously awaiting that collection, while most people are dying to get their hands on Final Fantasy 12, or Gran Tourismo 4. Some of these games are 20 years or more and I would rather play them, than try to force myself to play Grand Theft Auto San Andreas.
Hey DON'T mess with the X series, its cool. This collection looks good, although I already own them all so...not sure If I will buy buy it...hopefully they will have redrawn sprites or somthing because I'd like to see some improved 2D graphics or a music CD or some cool artwork or something, especially if they expect me to buy games I already own.
As for Red Earth, it was CP System 3 game, which is a highly powerful 2D Arcade board designed by Capcom and used with Street Fighter 3 and Red Earth (I think JoJo's Bizzare Adventure was on it too, not sure). CPS3 has not been emulated yet, and at the time of release there were no consoles that could handle Red Earth, because it was so powerful so no ports. Street Fighter 3 was then later ported to the 1st console powerful enough to handle it, the Dreamcast. But given the fact that Red Earth is a niche arcade title that is fairly old now and was never really popular or heard of and only has an underground following consisting of a small number of people that is why it sill has not and probably never will get a port, nothing to do with the quality of the game, although I have never played it so I don't really know what it is like...what I do know is that it had cool character designs and it is a game that I would really like to play.
if you want a good 2d sidescroller check out Castlevania Symphony of the night
desfunk Wrote:HOORAY!!! A collection with a total of 3 actually GOOD games in it! Seriously, most of the X series is the same old stuff. I think X1, X4, and Battle & Chase are the only reasons i'll buy that. (even though i have all of them already).
As for the capcom classics. All it needs is Magic Sword, and i'll be happy. Everyone keeps calling for Warzard and Red Earth or whatever it's called. When i'm sure they were never released for a REASON. After seeing the few characters from those series in Capcom Fighting Evo, i can see why it was never released. They were some of the stupidest characters i had ever seen. It's one of those games that everybody wants, just because they never got to play it.
Also, i'd have no complaints with ghost and goblins and 194x... since i enjoy both greatly n_n. I'm really curious about what the 20 games will be. Now THAT is a list i'm excited for.
They really did start becoming repetative. X-4/X-5 are almost EXACTLY the same...
Cyrus Wrote:if you want a good 2d sidescroller check out Castlevania Symphony of the night
Get the fuck out of here, I don't think any of us have heard of that game.

Haha, classic