Right now, I really like Kimi to Iu Hana by Asian Kung-Fu generation. Actually, I?ve discovered they are awesome all together, but Kimi to Iu Hana is my favorite song from them. I've been going to
http://ajikan.sayuri.us/ a lot lately because they have samples to listen to from AKFG and there is a lot of fan stuff.
Yeah, AKFG rocks. Im on the forum for that fan site. I downloaded all thier cds and they are becoming one of my favorite bands. I dont really have a favorite song, I like them all.
-spike- Wrote:Yeah, AKFG rocks. Im on the forum for that fan site. I downloaded all thier cds and they are becoming one of my favorite bands. I dont really have a favorite song, I like them all.
To be honest, part of my discovery of them was cause of your banner. I had been downloading some anime themes and ran out of ones that I liked, but knew the rock songs were my favorite. I saw your banner later and got on WinMX and got The Far Far side from Naruto, Siren and Kimi to Iu Hana. I've downloaded about 8 other songs since then and I like them all as well, but for some reason Kimi to Iu Hana really shines for me.
Let's see, I like the Pillows quite a bit. AKFG of course as well. L'arc en Ciel are pretty good too.
Check out Drug Store Cowboy, I really like them as well.
I've listened to quite a few J-Rock songs so far but my favourite is still Hitori No Yoru from L'Arc En Ciel. That song drives me crazy!
Andromeda18_ Wrote:I've listened to quite a few J-Rock songs so far but my favourite is still Hitori No Yoru from L'Arc En Ciel. That song drives me crazy!
Pornograffiti did Hitori no Yoru; you probably switched it around with Drivers High, because they were both on GTO and it was the first opening song and it was preformed by L'Arc En Ciel. I know cause Hitori no Yoru owned my soul for a time. My fav from L'Arc En Ciel is probably Ready, Steady, Go! I would like to know how to pronounce their name; I say it like ?Lark in Seal? but have no clue if that is right.
Blight Wrote:Pornograffiti did Hitori no Yoru; you probably switched it around with Drivers High, because they were both on GTO and it was the first opening song and it was preformed by L'Arc En Ciel. I know cause Hitori no Yoru owned my soul for a time. My fav from L'Arc En Ciel is probably Ready, Steady, Go! I would like to know how to pronounce their name; I say it like ?Lark in Seal? but have no clue if that is right.
You're right! :o But my favourite song is Hitori No Yoru. I do like L'Arc En Ciel very much. I love Ready, Steady, Go, Driver's High and Spirit Dreams Inside.
Blight Wrote:I would like to know how to pronounce their name; I say it like ?Lark in Seal? but have no clue if that is right.
Well, L'Arc En Ciel is French so you have to pronounce it like that. It means rainbow. "L'Arc" is pronounced like Lark just drag the "r" a little, "En" is like the "en" in "entrepeneur" (a french word used in the english language), "Ciel" you have to pronounce like the "se" part in "seal" then pronounce an "e" that sounds like the "e" in Pepsi" and finish by pronouncing the "l" like in "seal".
Edit: As a side note, the letter "i" in French (and in Portuguese) sounds exactly like the English "e", the "e" in French sounds exactly like the "e" in "Pepsi".
yeah Asian Kung-Fu generation are great but i love the mad capsule markets,
oh and this band i saw at yoyogi park just cant remember their name now but they were ace

I've been a fan of AKFG for quite some time now. ANd they easily toppled all my other favorites back when i found out about them (surprisingly it WASN'T through naruto, like almost everyone else)
I've been meaning to actually BUY all their full length cds, but have been too poor to do so ;_;. I noticed that they have a 'domestic' release of Sol-Fa, so at least that will be cheaper.
I do have a a dvd-r filled to the brim with 95% of ALL of AKFG and The Pillows stuff. That includes every cd, almost every music video, and loads of live footage. It was MONTHS upon months of collecting, but i was quite happy when i finished making it. If i had a better pc, i probably would have made it into a playable in any dvd player dvd. So everything could have been watched on tv.
Some other bands/groups/people I really like are L'arc~en~ciel, Straightener, Tsukiko Amano, Hide... and I could probably go on for awhile.
As you can tell, it's kinda hard to pick 1 song :p
I like Blast My Desire and Dogfight...both by Move.
Also gotta say Face by Tryforce.
LordODFlizeX Wrote:Also gotta say Face by Tryforce.
Boo-Fucking-Ya man. I am almost 100% sure it would over take anything else if I could only get a hold of the full-length version of that song. However after looking for it for so long and finding absolutely nothing, I doubt I'll ever get it

desfunk Wrote:I've been a fan of AKFG for quite some time now. ANd they easily toppled all my other favorites back when i found out about them (surprisingly it WASN'T through naruto, like almost everyone else)
I've been meaning to actually BUY all their full length cds, but have been too poor to do so ;_;. I noticed that they have a 'domestic' release of Sol-Fa, so at least that will be cheaper.
I do have a a dvd-r filled to the brim with 95% of ALL of AKFG and The Pillows stuff. That includes every cd, almost every music video, and loads of live footage. It was MONTHS upon months of collecting, but i was quite happy when i finished making it. If i had a better pc, i probably would have made it into a playable in any dvd player dvd. So everything could have been watched on tv.
Some other bands/groups/people I really like are L'arc~en~ciel, Straightener, Tsukiko Amano, Hide... and I could probably go on for awhile.
As you can tell, it's kinda hard to pick 1 song :p
Damn, I've got Dial up so downloading songs is a 45 minuet to an hour process for one F-ing song. Would you be interested in selling a copy of that DVD-r?