Hmm, just where do I post art, anyway? I guess this will do.
People say they can't see this drawing so well when I show it. I can see it just fine on my, why don't you try it?
Any type of comment about it is fine by me! Just remember I'm already aware of these, the things other people have told me about it.
-he looks feminine
-one of his hands are too big
-the buldge where his hand should be in his pocket is too small
-his pants are too tight
-he looks feminine
-he looks feminine
You know, he kinda looks like a girl?

But seriously, I think it looks good. I can?t draw that well. Well, actually I can but it takes far too long to make it look good cause I draw realistically rather than in cartoon style. I?m talking weeks to make one stupid drawing. I prefer to write but being able to depict my characters the way they look in my head on paper would be nice.
Lol, smartass.
I know what you mean about taking a long to time to draw something. It used to take me forever, but I've been working on speed as well as anatomy...which I've been teaching myself...I don't have any books ;_; If you can write, does that mean you're good at coming up with plots and such? I'm trying to think up a few original manga's of my own...
and thanks.
He looks a little like Toboe from Wolf's Rain. I like it. ^^ One thing though, his right foot, considering the perspective and such and where the ground would be, it looks like it's a little too short. Or if the perspective was meant to be looking down slightly, then his knee just needs to be bent a little bit more. Other than that, I really like the pose.

Heh, nice job, you're the first to notice the whole "right leg" thing...even before I did!
And you know what? I actually may have had Toboe in mind when I was drawing this...I had thoughts for how to draw the clothes I wanted him in, but they looked way too much like Hige's ^^
thanks, ladysilverice.
It's a good start. There's room to improve, but it's a good start.
Only problem I see is that the image is a bit harder to see due to the lines being so light...
the head and neck, it sticks out kind of funny and of course the legs and hand, but its alright. its much better then what i could do. i don't do good on free hand drawing.
Gemini Wrote:the head and neck, it sticks out kind of funny and of course the legs and hand, but its alright. its much better then what i could do. i don't do good on free hand drawing.
About all I can draw is a damn stick figure or a box figure with a circle head and feet/arms lol...
Heh, thanks again, guys. Free hand drawing the only way I can produce anything the art class I had in high school we did assignments where we tried to look at an image and copy it onto a paper...mine never looked anything like the actual thing ^^
Quote:About all I can draw is a damn stick figure or a box figure with a circle head and feet/arms lol...
Hey, sometimes that's what I do when sketching a you're off to a good start ^^;;