This is something i have been wanting to do for a while now.
does anyone know any good websites for learning japanese for an absolute beginner?
any help is appreciated and it's forums has a JPN101 section from what I know. I do have online dictionaries (none of that Engrish translation programs that is BabelFish) though like Jim Breene, and the likes.
ParaParaJMo and it's forums has a JPN101 section from what I know. I do have online dictionaries (none of that Engrish translation programs that is BabelFish) though like Jim Breene, and the likes.
What the hell?? When I tried going there the block here classified it as gambling. That's just bizzare any ideas about why?
This is a good start. Their forums also have a thread that teaches the hiragana and katakana. I used to know some good sites, but they're all shut down sadly. Most of the sites I know of are mostly for those who are studying for the Japanese Proficiency Test and you have to know Japanese to begin with.
But to be honest (as I should have been to begin with), I say it's not best to learn Japanese from a website. I learned that the hardway when I tried teaching myself Chinese a couple of years ago and when I finally started taking it in a real classroom setting, I was thrown off guard because I did not how to use the tone systems and how to really pronounciate words.
My cousin did tried to take JPN101 through his community college on the internet and said it was hard for him. I just say do what really works, just register at your local community college if it is offered. He had pronounciation troubles and could not get first hand help on how to write hiragana.
Anyway, these are the best sites I can find
If you check the "New Years Resolution" thread I gave onizuka some good sites, check it out if you are interested.
I guess I have to post it again... if you wanna learn japanese for free and you want some psudo-professional lessons just PM me. I haven't had anyone help me lately but I trying to get it to where when you are done with the doc you can translate. Anyways just PM if you want good learnin' for free.
shhhh .. don't tell anyone
i got all the CDs + LanguageNow! V8 + the books ... almost everything from there
i'm still at the first "P i m s u l e r CD" and i'm enjoying it
installed "LanguageNow! V8 " and its awesome
check the attchments