added kino's jouirney r1 with art box to my wants set
I have my eye on your Tenchi set!!!!
switched some stuff in and out of my list
check it out
i'm interested in, Outlaw Star and His and Her Circumstances
do you have a trade or sell list and if not send me a pm with what you have for trade
check my want list too
changed some stuff
added and took away some stuff
put devil may cry 2 for sell of 15 dollars might go for cheaper just make me an offer
ok here's the deal
I really really want Rahxephon the tv series
preferably FX but i may go other sets that are english
I will give anyone who can trade me that set a good deal prolly an extra dvd or something
also i have other stuff not on my list that i might trade for it
pm me if your interested
I see Junkie Joe still has Rahxephon FX in stock. Why don't you just buy from him?
lol oops last time i checked i must of missed it

cyrus Wrote:if i can get rahxephon i would be happy but i would want the FX copy if possible
is that even possible anymore
PM me if you have some copies that aren't on the site or whatever
or if you want to trade me id be happy to try to trade or buy or whatever
i almost bought the R1 (scary too much money)
I am telling you. Rahxephon's in stock RIGHT NOW, and it's been for many months. For some reason, you're not seeing it. You need to PM Schultz about it.
trade for tenchi ultimate collection 9 dvd fx didn't go thru so im probally going to give a good deal for it if you want it message me and we can talk