Added Gamecube And Games, And Naruto
very interested in naruto! i updated my list with more stuff, so please check it out! i could pay u for them, if u give me a price.
sorry, i didnt see anything on your list i wanted, but please keep me updated on any future additons
i am intrested Neon Genesis Evangelion, FX

Interested in your kingdome of paradise psp. Please check my list.

Interested in your burn out legends psp. I have dbz part 4 from MI and Dragon Ball Part 4 from MAC for trade. pm me if interested in arranging a trade

I'm interested in Ai Yori Aoshi. Is it on FX? Please check my list. Thanks, John
out burnout legends, in ridge racer
added a couple of things, and added prices
added fredy set, and moded ps1