found this info on a site seems interesting.
This is from some guy on the Nintendopower forums. He apparently was the first to give good DS specs before they were this may be good.
There has been a TON of speculation on Nintendo's upcoming console but little is actually known about it. There are so many different ideas that no one really knows what to think. So here are some supposed "facts" about the Revolution. I can't reveal my source because I've been asked not to. Sorry guys. I would say that this info has at least a 65% chance of being accurate. My source has been right before and he's also been wrong. Here goes......
Ok first things first. Yes, Nintendo will utilize gyros in it's controllers. I think most people pretty much already took this as fact. Also, the Rev will indeed have dual processors. Also broadband is built in, no modem to buy. Nintendo has an online strategy in development. It will be implemented on the DS first. There are no current plans to connect the DS and the Rev....the GB Evolution on the other hand......
The Rev will have four controller ports. It will have a hard drive which will be used in much the same way as the 64DD was supposed to be used. Things like Dolby Digital 5.1 and high def monitor support are included. There is no type of virtual reality or any kind of headset planned. It is backwards compatible with Gamecube games. It will use the HD-DVD format and not Sony's Blu-Ray. Controllers are not wireless, but wireless controllers are planned. It will launch with an unnamed Mario game and work on Zelda has already begun. Super Smash Brothers is in mid development and will be a launch title.
Ok so what's the Revolutionary part? That's what you all want to know. Well my source wouldn't tell me. He said it would get him into too much trouble, and could give Sony and Microsoft an advantage at this stage in the game. But he did say this; "if you think too hard you'll never guess what it is. It's nothing "new" technically speaking. It's just something that hasn't really been applied to video games yet."
He then said "touching is good but feeling is better". What exactly that means I have no idea. Some sort of force feedback device? We already have rumble packs.
For more information on gyration technology, go to
sounds good maybe it will be true maybe not. time will tell X-Mas 05' !
There is only one thing im afraid of.I tend to twist controlers while playing games (eg when turning a corner in car game i lean it in that direction) That may make playing with gyros something that will have to be learnt.Gotta hand it to nintendo for trying out new stuff.Lets see if it works.Vr wouldve been nice though.
I really see nothing new there exept for the HD-dvd that will be used. The rest is all old technology. They better have something extra for us with all this secret talk or else fans will be dissapointed. They need to focus on online gamming more aswell IMO.
no offense elcoholic online gaming really hasn't taken off like everyone says it has for consoles.. I will have to look up the numbers again.. But the ratio of games sold to actually how many Xbox live customers there are. is actually very low. But again i am at work and can't look through gaming sites to get the exact figures for yea.
i read it was only at 1.6 million for Xbox Live subscribers thats not that many when you take in the account of how many Halo 2 titles were sold i think it was either 6 or 9 million. so online gaming isnt that big i think the price it self is to high. if it were free you would see a huge spike in sales of onlie supported games and also onlie gaming it self would be huge like people think it is.
Alot of gamers actually HATE online gaming. I'm one of them :p
Anyway, thank god they didn't go with the whole "control games with your mind" rumors that used to be floating around for some time.
What i'm hoping for, as gimmicky as it is (what nintendo product DOESN'T have some lame gimmick to it?). Is that the controller is actually something that goes on your hand like a glove. And everything is controlled like Minority Reports screens!. Well, i don't think all games could use it, but it would work for some.
yep thats the sort of thing im talking about. Where Nintendo are trying to force new things at people whether they are good or not.
The console war is just starting to liven up.Due to microsoft not releasing any info yet (maybe gdc this march) there shouldnt be anything but rumours for a while. Maybe this generation consoles will be more powerfull than pcs for at least a short while.It all seems a bit weird how IBM are working with all three companies and ati with both xbox and revolution.
well the Xbox Next has alot of leaked stuff from whats in the new system to patents of chips and other hardware goodies. you just need to peer time to time at for news and so on. they said that the Xbox Next will be out in time for XMas05' so we might see a console war if nintendo doesnt release there system around august like a lot of rumors have been hinting.
Maybe we will see some Naruto games actually come to the US for Nintendo?s new console. I know I have seen a lot of Naruto games made for Nintendo?s systems in the past. But none came over here. I just cant wait to see some new Consoles and killer Graphics.
Schultz Wrote:no offense elcoholic online gaming really hasn't taken off like everyone says it has for consoles.. I will have to look up the numbers again.. But the ratio of games sold to actually how many Xbox live customers there are. is actually very low. But again i am at work and can't look through gaming sites to get the exact figures for yea.
That's why I said they need to focus MORE on it :p Actually in my country its pretty big, way bigger than any other EU country. In the weekends we have 800 people playing socom at any time while UK or France have maybe 500 and those countries are much much bigger.
But I think the possibilities with online gamming are endless and the importance will grow and not having online support for the GC has harmed them and their reputation and they have falling back to the opposition. Nothing that can't be overcome but having to be able to play metroid or that melee game online would have been cool.
I'm positive that online gaming and other online utilities will be very important for the next gen.
elcoholic Wrote:That's why I said they need to focus MORE on it :p Actually in my country its pretty big, way bigger than any other EU country. In the weekends we have 800 people playing socom at any time while UK or France have maybe 500 and those countries are much much bigger.
But I think the possibilities with online gamming are endless and the importance will grow and not having online support for the GC has harmed them and their reputation and they have falling back to the opposition. Nothing that can't be overcome but having to be able to play metroid or that melee game online would have been cool.
I'm positive that online gaming and other online utilities will be very important for the next gen.
Thats where i don't agree with you. I don't think it will be anymore important because it hasn't really caunt on and most people don't. Especially with all the stupid punks out there that want to cheat and make peoples lives hell on them.. Watch friend play SoCom i think was the name of it. But all and all i don't think that is the problem. The problem is everyone still views nintendo as a kids system and that is somewhat true with the games. though they are trying to change that..
But again i don't belive either having an online in effect or not will affect much.. and anyways i can already play Mario Kart: DD online using tunnelling programs and the network adapter.
I think the main reason it hasn't broken through yet is:
-ps2 online gaming sucks compared to pc. To much lag and to many cheaters. sony needs to invest.
-xbox partially failed because it isn't free and you need a cc to sign up. You can choose the free thing (xboxconnect??) but that has the same problems as the ps2 community or so I heard.
For the people who have gone online on a console (myself included) it has become a very important part of gaming for us. I'm hooked and almost everyone I speak to online is hooked aswell. Its really awesome sitting in front of your tv and talking through your headset playing your favorie game against real people.
Anyway, we'll see who's right
. Its here to stay and if the companies perfect it (no cheats no lag) I think it wil become big, possibly even bigger than offline gaming. Atleast for the people who can get it online.
Ill agree with the cheating part.Halo 2 got ridiculous.Another problem in the odd internet backward country is broadband.In new zealand everyone is having problems where mainly only older houses can get a fast connection because new houses are being made in subdivisions and the companies doing them are cutting costs on the lines.Also there has been a huge price rise and caps put on connections.It is about $80 US to get a 256 wireless connection where i am because phone lines are no good. And its $50 for normal 256 through phones with anything from 5-10gig caps.As for the faster 2mb connections the cap gets lowered to about 2gig and the price goes up.Hell we use 3 gig a month and we dont really download anything.For gaming in nz it just isnt worth it.Having a monopoly phone company doesnt help.
The extra cost of $50 a year for xbox live isnt that much in the scheme of things.Allthough I hope in the next generation console they dont pull the same cheap tricks like having everything in the console but not letting you use it unless you buy an addon.I refused to pay the extra for 5.1 sound dvd playback and went to the local electricion who did it for less than the oficial cost.Thats just asking people to mod.
Way off topic.
Im just angry at my poo internet connection which is running at like 128 this morning 1/2 speed