Blight Wrote:Ha ha ha, I have been to the movies with friends who have threatened to kill peeps for not turning off their cell phones but it was like the tenth time and fourth person so I was pissed too. It was OK till Beaver threatened to roll the usher down the isle when the guy told him to shut up and I had to buy tickets for Jackass again. Sometimes my friends embarrass me.
I go crazy with people who talk during movies. I mean, it doesn't bother me if people whisper but quite often there are people next to me who speak as if they were in the middle of the street. Looking at them like I'm going to kill them usually works if not I'll just shut them up in such a way they get too embarrassed to open their mouths again.
Yeah, but you know whats realy annoying? When those people are a group of 10-14 year olds and you just know that when you say something they are going to see how far they can go before you either walk out or kick their ass, and thats where the age problem comes in. You can't hit them

Once, a couple of kids that age annoyed me so much I twisted their wrists and made them run out of the movie theater like there was no tomorrow! Of course my boyfriend had a look of disbelief on his face I can't begin to describe!

Blight Wrote:Let me put it this way:
I hate those stupid adds. They are horrible not just cause you have to sit through them, but because they put the idea in your head that suicide is a good alternative to being in the theater at that moment. They have to be the worst, most annoying damn commercials on the planet.
You realize you've fallen into the advertiser's trap don't you. They get you to talk about their product by making it annoying, funny, whatever and then with all the talk about people get curious and then try it. It's a marketing technique, whether you drink the drink or not just talking about it promotes it, and that's what the Fantan makers want to cerculate talk about their product. Nice job on helping them succeed on their mission

I'm a marketing major by the way

Andromeda18_ Wrote:Once, a couple of kids that age annoyed me so much I twisted their wrists and made them run out of the movie theater like there was no tomorrow! Of course my boyfriend had a look of disbelief on his face I can't begin to describe! 
I had some kid pretend to spit in my hair once and at the time I thought he really did, my friends younger brother, he was about 10. I spun around grab his ear and tackled him to the ground, I had him pinned made him cry, his brother just laughed. He had more respect for me after that. lol
daisyflower2003 Wrote:You realize you've fallen into the advertiser's trap don't you. They get you to talk about their product by making it annoying, funny, whatever and then with all the talk about people get curious and then try it. It's a marketing technique, whether you drink the drink or not just talking about it promotes it, and that's what the Fantan makers want to cerculate talk about their product. Nice job on helping them succeed on their mission
I'm a marketing major by the way 
Well their "trap" can lick my ass. And If anyone gets curios cause I cussed 'em so bad, you can lick it too j/k.

Blight Wrote:Well their "trap" can lick my ass. And If anyone gets curios cause I cussed 'em so bad, you can lick it too j/k.
lol you tell em! But they do those things to make the ad stick in your head and remember their product. Ahh I love marketing, and to think I'm going to come up with those things just to piss you all off, lol Na I wouldn't do that ^_^ not unless I get lots and lots of money for it, then I don't care.
daisyflower2003 Wrote:lol you tell em! But they do those things to make the ad stick in your head and remember their product. Ahh I love marketing, and to think I'm going to come up with those things just to piss you all off, lol Na I wouldn't do that ^_^ not unless I get lots and lots of money for it, then I don't care.
At least you would do it for money, I really would do it cause it would be funny. But I would make something that is actually funny before just pissing people off for fun...but I would still do it.

Blight Wrote:At least you would do it for money, I really would do it cause it would be funny. But I would make something that is actually funny before just pissing people off for fun...but I would still do it. 
Yea call me Greedy!

Oh well but the thing I love about marketing is the creative part, where you've got to come up with the idea that you hope everyone will talk about. That's what I strive for. I love hearing feedback on my work the good and the bad and I'd love to create maybe not TV ads but some ad or event that will just a popular as the Fontanas, lol. But The main purpous of those annoying ads is to get people talking because believe it or not no matter how much money you spend on an ad it's no good unless people are talking about it because word of mouth is the number one marketing tool out there.
There's another marketing major in this thread too? Haha. Awesome.
Daisy does have a point, same thing happened with those Quizno commercials (with the rat things).
Psygnius Wrote:There's another marketing major in this thread too? Haha. Awesome.
Daisy does have a point, same thing happened with those Quizno commercials (with the rat things).
YES! I remember that! Oh they did a radio show interview with the marketing director and she said that the whole point was to get people talking about Quiznos! And hell it worked! Those things were called "Sponge Monkeys" that some British person made, lol the dude made quite a bit of money I'm sure. He's probably still raking in the money from that publicity he got.
You know what is a good talked about ad, the HP comercial where they take the pictures and take them from real life and turn them to stills. that's an awesome ad! I would love to create something like that!
daisyflower2003 Wrote:You know what is a good talked about ad, the HP comercial where they take the pictures and take them from real life and turn them to stills. that's an awesome ad! I would love to create something like that!
Yeah, I find those commercails very enjoible.
And I LOVED the Sponge Monkeys! They were so fricken awsome, me & my sister still mimic them when we go by that sub place; never been to it so I guess having rat looking things in the food business isn't a good marketing device, but I do like the commercail. Which then again maybe it's just the type of people I hang around (or the type of person I've always been), for the most part no commercail (I've probably spelled that 5 different ways by now) has made me want what they're displaying (least not since I was like 10 -_-).