Yeah, I *might* try selling them on ebay, but that is unlikely. I just haven't made that step into online selling yet...
But, my wife said she will make 5-10 more (she has some camoflauge yarn) and who knows? I'll post if I want to sell any to people here. I'll pm you robojack for sure in a few weeks if you are still interested...
I'm definitely interested, provided you won't charge me an unreasonable amount for it

. Also, is it possible for your wife to make one that's more tightly knit (threads closer together)?
cool. I'll keep you updated, and it will be cheap.

Those are pretty cool... I wouldn't mind having one either.
What kind of price is your wife thinking of?
hmm. Well, right now I am thinking something like $5, but I don't have a paypal account set up yet, and part of me wouldn't mind just sending one to you and Robojack out of the goodness of my heart because I am nice that way.

I'll look into how much shipping would be to Canada and US and if it isn't too much then I'll hook you up.
If more people (like 5+) want them, then I'll set up a paypal and sell them for like $5 + shipping.
pm me if you are interested

I am having her make some more for a local club event scheduled for Feb 12th, so that is around when I'll have more.
Well, I'll probably be sending you a money order as payment instead of using Paypal, since I don't have a credit card (I'm in university), but $5 + shipping sounds like a great price.
Robojack Wrote:Well, I'll probably be sending you a money order as payment instead of using Paypal, since I don't have a credit card (I'm in university), but $5 + shipping sounds like a great price.
ok. cool. I'll pm you when my wife gets them made. it won't take any longer than two weeks (probably a lot sooner...) and she said she'll use a smaller needle on yours so the threads can be closer together.
OMG that sweater is AWESOME!!!

your wife is very talented
and bored

rav96 Wrote:OMG that sweater is AWESOME!!!
your wife is very talented
and bored 
hahaha. honestly, she really enjoys knitting while she watches tv and stuff.
rarnom Wrote:hahaha. honestly, she really enjoys knitting while she watches tv and stuff.
Well at least she can do something constructive during her T.V. time. I try to do my homework while watching T.V. and one always gets neglected in favor of the other.
yeah much like exam revision while playing anime in the "background" its like music but with moving pictures...honest
but finally i had my last exam today...the nightmare is over...for now xD
I was thinking about getting a skin of some sort, but that is so much better. Truely the cutting edge in old fashioned homestyle console personalization.