Well, since I?ve been searching for like, forever for it and have had no luck, I guess I?ll pester you guys. I?m looking for the full version of Face, the intro to Heat Guy J by Tryforce. I?ve looked about everywhere for it. I don?t care if it is to download or buy, if you have any info about where I can find the full version, not the 90 second edit, please share it with me.
Blight Wrote:Well, since I?ve been searching for like, forever for it and have had no luck, I guess I?ll pester you guys. I?m looking for the full version of Face, the intro to Heat Guy J by Tryforce. I?ve looked about everywhere for it. I don?t care if it is to download or buy, if you have any info about where I can find the full version, not the 90 second edit, please share it with me.
Where have you looked anyways? Internet, P2P Network etc...
Real Stores, On the Internet I've looked at every thing from MP3 sites to Jpop and Jrock sites for both downloading and buying and have turned up notta for the full version. I am very unfamiliar with P2P. I haven't used bit torent or anything like it.
Blight Wrote:Real Stores, On the Internet I've looked at every thing from MP3 sites to Jpop and Jrock sites for both downloading and buying and have turned up notta for the full version. I am very unfamiliar with P2P. I haven't used bit torent or anything like it.
While I doubt ill find anything ill see what I can do when I get home...
Puppet Master Wrote:While I doubt ill find anything ill see what I can do when I get home...
Hey, even if you turn up nothing, I appreciate the help and effort.

Zagatto Wrote:from what I can tell looking around, the 90 second edit is the only one that has been released.
I'll keep my ears open though.
I?m hoping that this isn?t true, but it is starting to look that way. I have already read the review (that specific one cause of all the searching I?ve done), but thanks the aid.
I couldnt find anything even close to it...
Hey Blight, I've been trying to find songs from the Heat Guy J Sountrack also, and I still haven't found ANYTHING!!!