Received a minor FX update this morning, restocked a few titles.
Hey Joe,
Just wanted to know if their are anymore cardcartors sukura series comming back? Just curious, Keep up the good work!!!
have it on my to get list
do you know if its possible to get the vampire princess miyu ova and tv series?
I'm dying to get a copy of last exile perfect collection, and ROD volume 1 any idea when you'll be getting some?
vegeta76 Wrote:do you know if its possible to get the vampire princess miyu ova and tv series?
There's no Perfect edition of it by FX :o
And Mac only have a Perfect Edition (r1 rip ) of the TV ...not of the OVAs (unfortunatley)

I know this must sound like a stupid question but I just got to ask... Whats and OVA? aslo I know theres a FX last exile collection becuase it was reviewed on the side of the page on the 11th.
voodo14 Wrote:I know this must sound like a stupid question but I just got to ask... Whats and OVA? aslo I know theres a FX last exile collection becuase it was reviewed on the side of the page on the 11th.
Original Video Animation. It is stuff Like Movies and FLCL and R.O.D. It has nothing to do with HK, it is just a way to describe stuff that isn?t made for T.V.
thanks for clearing that up for me blight