I am just wondering if any of you have ever bought any anime dvds in a chinatown before. Is it cheap or expensive? Cause I might stop by there (the chinatown in NY) to pick up a few titles if it is not too expensive.

Kiruyuki Wrote:I am just wondering if any of you have ever bought any anime dvds in a chinatown before. Is it cheap or expensive? Cause I might stop by there (the chinatown in NY) to pick up a few titles if it is not too expensive. 
well. here in toronto. i only have pacific mall. and they sell really cheaply pirated stuff. (i bought witch hunter robin. it was done by mi on 4 dvds and has the shittiest subs i have ever seen.) plus the crazy old chinese people tried to get me to pay $65 for a .hack//sign set that was only subtitled.... so in conclusion, if you are going to buy anime dvd's the best place to buy them is online (here)
How much did they charge you for the Witch Hunter Robin set?
If your going to buy DVDs in Chinatown, you should stick to the $5 theater bootlegs on Canal Street otherwise, don't bother. I paid close to $30 for the NaruTaru set which would have cost me $14 here. And I thinK I saw the FX Bebop set for around $60. Just about everything in Chinatown, and NY in general, is over priced but you may find a few bargins. Or items that you havent seen anywhere else to pick up. Just not DVDs.
Seriously, if you see $5 (Canadian) anime DVDs in Chinatown, don't even bother, most of them either have no or horrible subs. Then there's the other kind who sell DVDs for $18-$15 per disc, which tend to be just fansubs.
My rule of thumb, whatever you can get here, it's usually cheaper. Don't buy from Chinatown unless you're really desperate for rare stuff (like stuff that pratically just finished broadcasting) or rare ADV stuff.
Though, not all Chinatown stuff is bad, I know one place that sells 3 disc MAC stuff for $35, and 2 discs MAC stuff for $25 which isn't THAT bad, but that's only like ONE place in all of Toronto.
Kiruyuki Wrote:How much did they charge you for the Witch Hunter Robin set?
well as i said u have to bargain. i asked him how much he wanted for it and he said something like $60 and i told him i could get it at another place for $20... in the end i think i paid around $30 for it. (u have to remember that i bought this about 6 months before the english dub came out)
Dustball Wrote:Seriously, if you see $5 (Canadian) anime DVDs in Chinatown, don't even bother, most of them either have no or horrible subs.
Maybe your talking about somthing different than I was, but I didn't mean anime DVDs for $5. I was talking about bootlegs of films still in theaters. So if you go next week you can get things like 'Meet the Fockers' or 'Ocean's Twelve' or whaterver is is currently playing. Or one of the Lion King movies, seems there's always one of those, incase you have to take the kids for the weeked and can afford real entertainment cause you spent all your wellfare on crack whores and Pabst. And most NY street venders don't take Canadian.
I find it varies from movie to movie more than anything with the movie bootlegs. I've seen a few that have been really nasty camera in theatre jobs and then there's things like the Incredibles which is incredible quality but has a little "property of Disney" image that pops up for a few seconds every so often.
More often than not the quality is pretty good but you will find the odd dud.
The other thing you need to pay attention to is the store you get the disc at and what quality you've gotten in the past. The one store I know in the Pacific Mall that carries new release movies usually has very high quality copies and sells discs for $8/ea or 3 for $20. I've gotten the rare bad disc from them but they are usually right on the money.