I just got a package today from a Micheal (sic) Robinson (that's not the exact last name. I forgot what it was). It was an overseas Fed Ex package from MY, which I assume is Malaysia. Inside were 13 DVDs, all Escaflowne and Initial D stuff (all MAC titles as well). The thing is that I never ordered these items, and I have no idea how this person got my address. Perhaps it's from the same guy who's supposed to send me my Trigun f/x set and he mixed up orders or something? Well anyhow, there was a shipping slip inside and it said that the total value of the stuff was $13.00 (yeah right) and that it was a "sample DVD set". I haven't opened up any of the DVDs since I want to be able to return it if this indeed a mistake. I don't want to get a bill from this person, but if it a gift I'll gladly accept it (which is not likely, me thinks). So what do you think I should do? Keep it? Send it back? Send a letter to this person?
That's a good question. Try to make contact, if not you have some watching to do. Don't buy from Asia, it's just a big hassle.
Instead, order from friendly neighborhood Canada!
Canada and I aren't on good terms ever since Kids in the Hall was canceled. :mrgreen:
Kids in the Hall sucked! :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted:
:evil: :evil: :evil: BLASPHEMY :evil: :evil: :evil:
Dare you say KITH sucked!!! That show is PURE GENIOUS :twisted:
Did you not see the God Complex Skit?? :? ??
I'm not going to, but I could go all day on the greatness of which that is KIDS IN THE HALL :twisted: :twisted: :twisted:
As for the package I'd send him a message Mail/E-mail and find out if was a mixup for the Trigun stuff. Trigun Anime and Manga both Rock!!! As well as merchandise. :twisted:
Batz, Kids in the Hall is up here *points up high* anf your about here *points to the ground*
The show kicked some serious ass. "Slipped my Mind!!!!" :mrgreen:
:lol: That was GREAT :twisted:
:?: Remember when Scott was the Angel of Blow Jobs :?: :wink: 8O
Remember the bleeding ear and Citizen Kane skits. What about the bar fights with Bruce and when Bruce wanted to keep a business man as a pet.
Man that was funny as hell. :mrgreen:
Or the one where Scott was granted the power to grow weed in his hair and Mark was the Devil. Or when Mark pissed off the car and had to apologize to it. I love the short cop scetches too.

My favorite would have to be the cancer one.
- You have two weeks to live.
- Ok
- No I don't think you heard me.....
- Yeah I did. What do you want me to do? Oh no I'm going to die
- I'm losing my touch.
Or what about the one when they go to the gym to relax. And instead of playing raquetball they get whipped.
Or THE ERADICATOR!!!! :mrgreen:
Man that show rocks. :mrgreen:
I wish they would release Kids in the Hall on DVD in the uncut HBO fashion. They would make so much money. 8O 8O 8O
Off people like me. Better than buying amatuer porn. Though it's always good for a laugh. :mrgreen:
Isn't Kids In The Hall ameture porn? :twisted: :twisted: