Finally got round to seeing this film, and I have to say - I loved it. I don't care that I heard some bad reviews, it was amazing - and sad

Whats even more amazing is everyone sang their own parts, (except Minnie driver) the main girl - Emmy Rossum has a superb voice. And as for the phantom - who would've figured he was from dracula 2000? lol
Anyone else seen it? Liked or hated?
I watched it on the 23rd when it premiered here. It's a great movie, I really loved it. The songs, the settings, the costumes, everything's fabulous. I do have one complaint. Some scenes are just too long. The scene where the Phantom takes Christine down to his lair and the one where she sings with Raoul in the roof of the theatre are quite long. They just keep singing and singing and I think it's kind of hard for a person to keep focused during the whole scene. Despite that I really liked the film and I can't wait to watch it again.
yeh thats true, its 2 hours and a half total isn't? So yeh they could've cut down some scenes - I like the lair scene, but the one when where she was on the roof I agree is too long.
20 views and only 1 reply, I see that no one else has the seen the movie - maybe too much of a chick flick? Now if I labelled this thread blade 3 - I bet we'd get a lot more replies. lol
I just saw it this weekend as well, have to say Loved it!. The costumes are great, the Phantom was brilliant and even Jennifer Ellison managed to get rid of her liverpool accent!!.
I would say my favourite scene would have to be the Masquerade Ball, The Phantom Looked very good, I want his costume in that scene.
Now I've seen the film I have to see the stage show the Phantom actually runs appears at different places in the theatre watching Christine is singing and even gets into the chandelier at the top of the theatre, So I am taking the girlfriend to London for the night in the next month or so to see it and I cant wait!
yeh, this movie has definetly inspired me to watch the theatre version too.
When I saw that girl from brookside, I wasn't sure if it was actually her or not, I was thinking - nah can't be, she has a good voice. I laughed when I realised it with my friends afterwards.