This was the following message posted by them
"Greetings everybody
As you have probably noticed, we have often had downtimes. This was because it was so hard to keep this site up! But now we are sorry to inform you all, that SuprNova is closing down for good in the way that we all know it. We do not know if SuprNova is going to return, but it is certainly not going to be hosting any more torrent links. We are very sorry for this, but there was no other way, we have tried everything.
Thank you all that helped us, by donating mirrors or something else, by uploading and seeding files, by helping people out on IRC and on forum, by spreading the word about It is a sad day for all of us! "
It's a sad day for me, I miss downloading One Piece Movie 4 and the third season of Viva La Bam. Sad, sad indeed
Peter Wrote:This was the following message posted by them
"Greetings everybody
As you have probably noticed, we have often had downtimes. This was because it was so hard to keep this site up! But now we are sorry to inform you all, that SuprNova is closing down for good in the way that we all know it. We do not know if SuprNova is going to return, but it is certainly not going to be hosting any more torrent links. We are very sorry for this, but there was no other way, we have tried everything.
Thank you all that helped us, by donating mirrors or something else, by uploading and seeding files, by helping people out on IRC and on forum, by spreading the word about It is a sad day for all of us! "
It's a sad day for me, I miss downloading One Piece Movie 4 and the third season of Viva La Bam. Sad, sad indeed
What was it...I never even heard of that site
Eh, there are other sites that are like that are still up, the pirate bay is one.
I'm real upset that closed down, that site was the best for dvd-r's of movies.
And I was looking forward for Zagatto to upload the Cat Returns there.
It was good for xbox stuff but there is always other places... Im so into DC++ now that I don't use bittorrent now. DC++ is much faster...
It really is too bad. Suprnova was one of the few sites I actually used regularly.
Suprnova never actually indexed the files.. they where just a listing of what people posted to others..
a common one is
and you can find many more.. won't affect much.. It hardly worked 1/2 the time anyways with broken links and mirriors getting removed.
Plus there are many more out there.. also for anime the one place you need to visit is has all the anime groups..
Schultz Wrote:Suprnova never actually indexed the files.. they where just a listing of what people posted to others..
a common one is
and you can find many more.. won't affect much.. It hardly worked 1/2 the time anyways with broken links and mirriors getting removed.
Plus there are many more out there.. also for anime the one place you need to visit is has all the anime groups..
Hehe,thanks Schultz I was looking for new places to download from.Although I did not use to very much.Here are a few places I use to get anime stuff from.^_^
Sweet_Marie Wrote:Hehe,thanks Schultz I was looking for new places to download from.Although I did not use to very much.Here are a few places I use to get anime stuff from.^_^
yup those are my normal Anime sites also..
well i'd like to add
very good for anything
for example Berserk PS2 iso
so good

am goin to buy the import WOWSERS!!!
I was a little dissapointed, but after I got a message from the MPAA saying that they recorded me downloading the Incredibles, and that my internet will but shut down in 24 hrs if I didn't reply, I am never, ever, ever using Bittorent again.
dvd_master Wrote:I was a little dissapointed, but after I got a message from the MPAA saying that they recorded me downloading the Incredibles, and that my internet will but shut down in 24 hrs if I didn't reply, I am never, ever, ever using Bittorent again.
dvd_master Wrote:I was a little dissapointed, but after I got a message from the MPAA saying that they recorded me downloading the Incredibles, and that my internet will but shut down in 24 hrs if I didn't reply, I am never, ever, ever using Bittorent again.
Dude, they can't get to you for downloading it, only if you're the one who made it available. I also doubt they can shut your internet down just like that. Your ISP should have a say in that.
Actually yes they can. You are infringing on copywrite laws if you are downloading something also. But the thing is. I use what is called PeerGuardian which blocks connections from IP ranges from the MPAA and all Associations that are involved with scanning to see if you are downloading something. IF they can't even connect to your computer then they can't tell if you are or not.
I currently use as my Bittorrent client. And i install the SafePeer plugin which grabs the PeerGuardian list. I have never had a problem with it. And my friend which also got an email too for downloading some TV Shows installed it and has never had a problem since then either.
Umm,so what do you download from that page is it a program called Netbeans??I just downloaded something?????I am horrible with computers..Please help..-_-
From the page i linked to you download Azureus program. BUt you also need to install the Java Runtime LIbary. or JRE for short.. Which netbeans is included in the Java Development Kit. since Netbeans is a IDE for Java. Here i will post direct link's.
Azureus download
Download the 3rd one called JRE 5 Update 1
for the Azurues Client
For safepeer
to get safepeer to work just copy the extracted folder into the plugins folder for Azurues which should be at C:\Program Files\Azurues\Plugins
and with Safepeer it will take Azurues a bit to load beacuse it downloads the lists of IP's to block and such.