Zagatto I like to play you in Tony Hawk 2. I've probably put over 300 hours into it, no foolin'. :mrgreen:
Not all 8-bit games suck though. Battle Toads was great. So was any Ninja Gaiden. :mrgreen:
nostalgia sucks!!! cause when we were younger we were stupid..... and somehow found joy in such HORRID games......
though nowadays gamers aren't that much better........ :p
I'm a trick daddy in Tony Hawk!!!! :mrgreen:
are you sure it's only in the game?
remember California Games 8O :twisted:
unlike Tony Hawk, it didn't star a washed up skate boarding wuss on wheels who totally poses. It just sucked. 8O 8O 8O :twisted: :twisted: :twisted:
Tony Hawk is far from washed up.
i don't see this argument going anywhere
tony hawk has and ALWAYS WILL rule the world of skateboarding games...... none of those oldschool ones even came CLOSE!!!!!
now only if they learned to stop putting CRAPPY music into these games..... 1 and 2 were fine.... but part 3 has like 3 good songs.....
whomever's idea it was to load it up with crap... err.... rap.... is a FRICKIN IDIOT!!!!!!
Tony Hawk is on Bagel Bites commercials. That's all that needs to be said. 8O 8O 8O
**Zagatto wakes up long enough to lay some smack down on krappi_sumo_yama**
First point... the argument here seems that the Tony Hawk video game franchise is the best skating game ever (or at least it's much better than the classic 8 bit games)... the argument was not whether or not Tony Hawk is washed up.
Second point... you seem to make Tony Hawk doing ads for Bagel Bites to be a bad thing. I personally think it's cool that a company that has nothing to do with skating thinks enough of him as a skater to pay him money to do what he likes to do. Isn't that everybody's dream job? Getting paid to do what you're good at and enjoy doing?
How many people here would be in a commercial advertising Otaku Chow? That's not the best example because it shows the target market using the product. How about one of us advertising luggage or something.
**Zagatto lays back down to sleep thinking he let this joker off easy**
I think 3 had decent music. Rap isn't bad. Appreciate different things. I've really got into music from Nigeria, as well as Okinawa. :mrgreen:
Try different things!!!! :mrgreen:
oh.... i TRY different things.....
but rap will NEVER be one of those...... it honestly sets me into fits of rage.... it is pure SHITE!...... mainstream, hardcore, etc......
then again the only other thing in this world that i hold such hatred for (next to rap) is l33t speak.... but that's for a WHOLE nother time....
my point? i hate rap.... and don't thing it belongs on tony hawk (well i don't mind if they have like 4 or so songs.... but when like 10 of the songs are it, you just GOTTA complain)......
that's why i liked the pc tony hawk 3.... you could replace all the music

I'd be skating to Do as infinity or Card Captor Sakura music. :mrgreen:
Well rap does fit fine. I skated for a while. I made a video with a group called The Revolution. We brought skating underground. My segment I skated to DJ Shadow & Jurassic 5 - I change my mind. I also did a small part with Cali Agents - Neva Forget. :mrgreen:
lol yeah.... i had a bunch of j-pop songs in their :p
but yeah.... i like dj's and stuff like that.....
i just hate rap :p ... but no using talking of the dislike for that anymore