I was just wondering because i am about to buy some artbox's off him and i dont want to get ripped. let me know or reply to this thread. Thank you!
Im not sure if i can post this here but this is about trading so this is the only place i think i could put it
He is an awesome trader, eventhough I never traded with him before, I read a lot of the feedback people leave for him, so I bet that you should not have any problems ^_^. Good Trader 100%
Ka0s Wrote:I was just wondering because i am about to buy some artbox's off him and i dont want to get ripped. let me know or reply to this thread. Thank you!
Im not sure if i can post this here but this is about trading so this is the only place i think i could put it
Cidien is a phenomenal guy to trade with and buy from... I've purchased ridiculous amounts of stuff from him now, and he's always been completely great about it.
lol I have a bad memory but I think I traded with him I think I traded my R1 Set Neon Genesis Evangelion to him and I never receive problems from him. So yeah his cool.

Great thanks for all the fantastic feedback so far ^^
I just bought some great R1 sets from him about a week or so ago... no problems... they were packed pretty well... Paid for them on Tues. and got them on Sat... well the post office tried to deliver them on Sat. but I wasn't home, so didn't actually get them till my son picked them up at the post office on the following Tues. and didn't get home till Wed. morning early... laugh... He didn't tell me when he'd mailed them out or give me the tracking number, but I wasn't concerned about it since it hadn't been more than a week since I'd paid for them, and he was banned from the forum for a week so couldn't of pm'd me anyway....
Oh, that is also the reason there is a Good Traders and Bad Traders message area.. all you have to do is to do a search for the username to check on past trades....
ZODDGUTS Wrote:lol I have a bad memory but I think I traded with him I think I traded my R1 Set Neon Genesis Evangelion to him and I never receive problems from him. So yeah his cool. 
Ya know, I don't even remeber what I traded with you lol, but I know it wasn't the R1 eva set. Hm... now this is gonna bug me.... lol.